What is your review of Napoleon (2023 movie)?
I just literally came out of the cinema twenty minutes ago, returned home and while on my way, I pondered what I have just seen. It’s late here. Ridley Scott’s 2023 film Napoleon is… something. As a film, it’s honestly rather enjoyable. Strictly as a film, a creative work of fiction. From a historical perspective, it’s an absolute travesty.

你对《拿破仑》(2023 年电影)有何评价?
二十分钟前,我刚刚从电影院出来,回到家,在路上,我思考着我刚刚看到的一切。已经很晚了。雷德利·斯科特 (Ridley Scott) 的 2023 年电影《拿破仑》……很了不起。作为一部电影,老实说还是相当令人愉快的。严格来说,作为一部电影,一部虚构的创意作品。从历史的角度来看,这绝对是一种嘲讽。

The biggest feeling I have after watching the film is one of disappointment. I want to shout into the skies: “Why must movies ALWAYS belittle great men?” Why must they, almost compulsively, diminish a man’s greatness? They can’t just let Napoleon Bonaparte, the Emperor, the Conqueror, the Reformer, be great. Oh no. He has to be made into a simp, a loser, a pathetic, pitiful creature constantly cuckolded by his wife and remaining slavishly devoted to her. Childish, throwing tantrums, utterly lacking in social graces to the point where he’d make a baboon blush.

看完这部电影,我最大的感受就是失望。我想对天大喊:“为什么电影一定要贬低伟人?” 为什么他们必须几乎不由自主地贬低一个人的伟大?他们不能让拿破仑·波拿巴这位皇帝、征服者、改革家变得伟大。不。他必须被打造成一个傻瓜,一个失败者,一个可怜的人,一个不断被他的妻子戴上绿帽子并保持对她的奴性忠诚的生物。孩子气,爱发脾气,完全缺乏社交礼仪,以至于让狒狒都会脸红。

His bedroom prowess is made fun of. Constantly. Hell, it’s even implied that Napoleon, who famously fathered several bastard children, was unsure of his ability to even father a child until his MOTHER(!) placed a young virgin in his bed chambers and made him drink himself into the courage to produce his first bastard son… by the end of the movie, even the Tsar of Russia visits his ex-wife and is heavily insinuated to have an affair with her.


I wanted goosebump moments. Grand speeches. Intrigue. I wanted to feel the power of a man who bent the world to his will, a man who reshaped Europe forever through his power of imagination. I wanted to see the glory. Light-hearted moments would have been fine… but why make a great man into a pitiful one? Why diminish his masculinity just for cheap laughs? I came out this film feeling dirty. Like I just saw greatness besmirched for no other reason than because Ridley Scott could.
