Profile photo for Aya Shawn
Aya Shawn
master in Computer Science, National University of SingaporeSep 8
This is an interesting business phenomenon.


1. China’s industrial transfer (active transfer)
After 30 years of rapid development, China's society has entered the level of a middle-to-high-income country.
In 2022, Chinese people will buy 25 million cars, and per capita GDP will reach US$12,000.
In this case, if you want a Chinese to turn a screw on the production line, or sew a shirt, their monthly salary requirements are often more than $1,000.
But, it's only $300 for a Vietnamese or a Bangladeshi to do the same thing. What do you think the Chinese company will do?
Yes, as early as a few years ago, Chinese enterprises have already begun to transfer abroad. The first thing to be transferred is clothing, toys, shoes and other industries with a high proportion of labor.

在这种情况下,如果你想让一个中国人在生产线上拧螺丝,或者缝一件衬衫,他们的月薪要求往往是超过1,000 美元。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Just because an enterprise or factory has moved to Vietnam does not mean that it has no connection with China. For the production of clothes, toys, shoes, household appliances. They need upstream support. Equipment, computers, software, buttons, batteries, switches, wiring, paint, circuit boards, everything.
from where? Can only be imported from China.
Therefore, the transfer of industries is accompanied by a sharp increase in China's exports to target countries.


2. Decoupling of the United States and the European unx (passive transfer)
Since Trump launched the trade war, the United States and the European unx have begun to "decouple" from China. They said "Hey! Let's not do business with China, don't buy Chinese stuff, okay?" In order to force importers and consumers, they imposed too high tariffs and created a sanction list with only one purpose, to prevent the sale of Chinese goods.
However, what will happen to people’s lives without Chinese products?


So they need to find a replacement. Some countries with large populations and low wages are the best choices: Mexico, Vietnam for example. They signed trade deals, lowered tariffs for these countries, and hoped they would replace China. It's a pretty naive idea: New cheap suppliers replace old ones, with nothing to lose.


However, businessmen in Vietnam and Mexico soon discovered that they simply could not make these items (or it was more expensive to make them than in China). The easier way is to import from China, label it with Mexican or Vietnamese labels, and sell it to Americans or Europeans.
Another strange line appeared: China exported semi-finished or finished products, and Vietnam and Mexico completed the final assembly and outer packaging.
Finally exported to America and Europe.


3. Everyone wins The Chinese found that their exports were not reduced.
From January to July 2023, China's total exports increased by 3.1%.
Vietnam and Mexico saw a massive increase in their exports and imports, and people made more money.
Politicians in the United States and the European unx are finding that trade decoupling from China is paying off. Imports from China fell.
All three parties are very happy.
In this interesting story, there is no loser.

3、大家都是赢家 中国人发现他们的出口并没有减少。