In a very brief time, the Steam Deck has become a staple of PC gaming as the go-to portable solution for many PC players, and its popularity has seemingly inspired more portable PC manufacturers to join the market. This is partly because the device comes from Valve, and who better to create a handheld Steam machine than the makers of Steam?

在很短的时间内,Steam deck成为电脑游戏的主要运行设备,也成为电脑玩家的首选便携式解决方案,其受欢迎程度似乎激发了更多便携式电脑厂商加入这一市场。还有部分原因是因为Steam deck由Valve公司生产,没有谁比Valve公司更适合制造生产Steam游戏掌机。

The Steam Deck has been in players' hands for well over a year now. You can read our Steam Deck review to see what we thought of it, but more than likely, you're ready to dive in for yourself. As soon as you boot it up, you'll find your Steam library is intact, which is exciting, but not all games are created equal when it comes to playing them via Steam Deck.

最早的一批Steam Deck玩家玩Steam Deck已经有一年多了,您可以查看Steam Deck掌机的相关评论,但更有可能的是,玩家陷入其中不可自拔。当你启动机器,看时里边放着那么多游戏,一个也不少,是多么令人兴奋的事情。不过,并不是所有游戏在Steam deck掌机上玩的感受都一样。

We've rounded up a few dozen of the best games to play on Steam Deck, including major AAA hits, under-the-radar indies, and everything in between. In most cases, these games have already been declared as "Deck Verified" by Valve, meaning it's fully supported without any caveats. Plus aside from just technical verification, some games just feel great in portable form, so we've taken that quality into account as well. And while the Steam Deck is great for PC tinkerers, for the purposes of this list we've stuck with games that run natively through the Steam interface without any special hoop-jumping.

我们收集了几十款最适合在Steam deck上玩的游戏,包括3A大作,冷门独立游戏,及介于两者之间的游戏。这些游戏中的大多数被生产厂商Valve标注“通过验证”,这表示在Steam Deck上完全支持运行,无任何警告。除了厂商的技术验证外,有些游戏在便携形式下表现也不错,所以我们也会将它们考虑进去,对于那些喜欢研究电脑捣鼓电脑的人来说,Steam Deck非常适合他们。但下面所列的游戏全是通过Steam原生运行的游戏,所以一些特殊的操作比如跳转的方式来玩的游戏则不在此列。

If you do want to expand your horizons, though, you can also install Epic Games Store on Steam Deck to broaden your library even more. In most cases in our experience, these games work just as they would on your home PC, which is great when you consider how often Epic hands out free games on its platform. If you want to get the most out of your new toy, check out our list of the best Steam Deck accessories. As the list of Steam Deck-compatible games grows, so too will this list here. Keep checking back for recommendations on the best games to play on Steam Deck.

如果还不满足,想扩大游戏库,也可以在 Steam Deck 上安装 Epic 游戏库,根据经验,多数情况下,Steam掌机游戏的运行方式与家用 PC 上一样,想想Epic 经常在其平台上分发免费游戏,这得有多香!如果要充分利用好Steram Deck,请查最佳 Steam Deck 配件列表。随着 Steam Deck 兼容游戏列表不断增长,配件列表里配件数量也将增加。并查看有关在 Steam Deck 上玩的最佳游戏的建议。

Arcade Paradise
Arcade Paradise starts out unassuming enough, as you go through the tedious work of managing an old laundromat. Soon you discover a few arcade machines sitting in storage in the back room and decide to open them up to the public. As you start to develop your business, you build up more and more cabinets, converting more of the laundromat to a burgeoning arcade business. While you need to manage your business, you can also play all of your own arcade machines to your heart's content. In effect, this makes Arcade Paradise a great minigame collection, letting you dabble in tons of different retro。


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Card Shark
Card Shark is an aptly named game that sees you slowly growing your repertoire of card tricks as you try to fool your opponents and grow your wealth. Things start out slow (learning how to trade signals with your partner), but quickly escalate (learning how to shuffle the deck in your favor). If you perform any of these actions poorly, your fellow players will start to grow leery of your intent. It’s an intriguing premise, and one that’s pulled together with beautiful graphics, impressive dialogue, and a soundtrack that’ll be stuck in your head long after you put down your Steam Deck.

《千爵史诗》是一款名副其实的“游戏”,在游戏里,你要使上一些花招糊弄对手并以此增加财富,当然在此过程中玩家纸牌技巧也会点滴增长。 一开始进展速度很慢(学习如何与搭档互换信息),但很快就会升级(学习如何按照对你有利的方式洗牌)。 如果您执行任何一个操作不佳,你的搭档玩家就会猜疑你是否有其他什么意图。 这个前提就有点意思。另外,游戏里有炫丽的图案、精彩的对话和配乐,以至放下Steam Deck 后很长一段时间,这些游戏画面还可能深深印在你的脑海里。

Celeste is a challenging platformer with an emotional story to tell. It follows Madeline as she navigates her anxiety and depression--and it’s a story that’s arguably even more poignant today than it was in 2018. The narrative is best experienced without any spoilers, and it’s a journey that’s propelled to incredible heights thanks to its minimalistic graphics and a fluid movement system that works perfectly on Steam Deck. It only takes about eight hours to finish the journey, but completionists can stick around much longer if they want to uncover everything Celeste has to offer. It's a beautiful game that all platforming enthusiasts should play.

《蔚蓝》是一款极具挑战性的平台游戏,它讲述的故事感人。游戏主角玛德琳(Madeline) 如何是应对焦虑和抑郁的,这类故事在今天可能比 2018 年更让人心有戚戚。在没有剧透的情况下玩这款游戏有更好的体验。由于游戏的极简主义风格和流体运动系统,完美适配Steamdeck,将主角心路历程推至新高。通关游戏仅需约八个小时,当然玩家可探索《蔚蓝》提供的更多支线任务,可以玩更久。这是一款各种游戏平台玩家都不宜错过的游戏大作。

Chained Echoes
One of several great JRPG homages to come to PC since the release of Steam Deck, Chained Echoes uses a lovely pixel-art style to tell its story of a band of heroes in the middle of the war-torn Valandis. Its combat is inspired by the beloved classic Chrono Trigger, with a twist. An Overdrive meter has you carefully balance your attack and defense to stay in the sweet spot, or else you'll overheat and become much more vulnerable. Plus the standard on-foot combat is complemented by mech battles, giving another dimension to the combat.

《锁链回声》是Steam Deck发布以来登陆PC的几款日式角色扮演游戏大作之一,游戏讲述了一群英雄在瓦兰迪斯备受战争蹂躏的故事,但却带上像素艺术风格,尽显可爱。游戏的打斗设计灵感来自于经典游戏《超时空之轮》( Chrono Trigger),但又有不同。注意“超载”量槽以平衡攻击和防御值,确保处于最佳位置,以免过热而变得脆弱不堪。此外,徒步战争还能辅以机甲战斗,使战斗更加多样化。

Children of Morta
I like to think of Children of Morta as an underappreciated gem in the dungeon-crawler genre. In it, you play as the pixelated Bergson family, each member of which has their own unique fighting style and weaponry. Clearing out damp and dark caves around your immaculate home is made more engrossing thanks to a fantastic narrator, carrying you off into a fantasy world on even the most tedious bus ride to work.


Cult of the Lamb
Part dungeon crawler, part simulator, Cult of the Lamb enlists you as the leader of a tribe of cultists as you try to gain the favor of a mystical being that saved you from death. Combat is fast and fluid, with levels randomly generated for replayability. There are also tons of ways to enhance your skills, giving you plenty of reasons to dive back in for another quest. When you’re not swinging swords or slinging spells, you’ll need to manage your cult in typical sim-game fashion. That means feeding your members, giving them jobs… and picking up their poop.


Cursed to Golf
If you don’t mind going into fits of rage while riding the subway or sitting in a cab, consider adding Cursed to Golf to your Steam Deck lineup. This golf game is anything but leisurely, as it tasks you with navigating a 2D course filled with ridiculous hazards such as TNT and teleporters--although an assortment of useful power-ups gives you impressive flexibility to complete each stage under par. The goal is to clear all 18 holes in a single playthrough, but you can break your round up into multiple playthroughs to make things more manageable. Tight controls, adorable graphics, and an ever-changing assortment of levels make it easy to sink hours into the indie regardless of where you’re playing.

如果你不介意乘坐地铁或出租车因玩这款游戏而大发雷霆,可以把《诅咒高尔夫》添加到Steam Deck游戏库里。这款游戏绝不是休闲游戏。因为其任务是在2D球场里将球击入球洞,但2D球场里布满了恐怖的TNT炸药和传送装置。游戏里有各种各样有用的道具,能让你在标准杆数下灵活的完成穿过球洞的任务。游戏目标是一回合游戏打18洞,当然你可以将一回合游戏分成多个关卡,以便管理。游戏里不拉胯的控制,可爱的图形及不断变化的关卡种类,无论身处何地,都是消磨时间利器。

Don’t let its colorful, cartoon graphics fool you--Cuphead is a brutally difficult game. You play as the eponymous Cuphead as he battles a series of increasingly difficult enemies on his journey toward the Devil. Battles play out from a 2D perspective and take place in a single room, although each boss always manages to bring something new to the table. Beyond its striking graphics, Cuphead features some of the smoothest combat mechanics on this list, making it a blast to face off against each new villain (even if they destroy you just a few seconds later). Toss in a variety of unlockable weapons and abilities, multiple playable characters, and the stellar Delicious Last Course expansion, and it’s easy to see why Cuphead remains so popular more than five years after its release. It feels right at home on Steam Deck and is a must-play for anyone who likes challenging action games.

不要被它五颜六色的卡通图形骗了,这是一款很难打的游戏。你扮演茶杯头通往邪恶,在路上与敌人战斗,敌人一轮又一轮,也越来越难对付。战斗以2D视角进行,且发生在一个房间里。每个关卡的Boss都会让人有耳目一新之感。除了引人注目的图片外,《茶杯头》还有最流畅的战斗机制,使其能够与敌人对战(即使对方能在几秒钟消灭你)。加上各种可解锁的武器和战斗技能,多个可选的角色及“美味最后一道菜”扩展包,这就很好理解为什么《茶杯头》在发行五年后仍然如此受欢迎。它在Steam Deck上给人宾至如归的感觉,喜欢具有挑战性动作游戏的人,千万不可错过。

Dave the Diver
On the surface, Dave the Diver is a cute adventure sim game in which you go spear fishing during the day and then bring your catches in at night to serve as the menu for a burgeoning sushi restaurant. But like the Big Blue Hole that you're diving into, there's unexpected depth here. Dave the Diver ends up being a wild hodge-podge of tons of different genre influences, incorporating lots of different activities as it tells its lengthy story. Still, the loop of catching fish, serving sushi, and using your profits to upgrade your gear is so easy and compelling it's a perfect fit for the Deck. The lovable Dave is a fun, rotund hero, and the game is also home to some of the biggest and best pixel cutscenes we've ever seen.

表面上看,《潜水员戴夫》是一款萌萌的冒险模拟游戏,玩家在游戏里可以白天用鱼叉捕鱼,晚上将鱼带回来,作为新开的寿司餐厅菜单上的菜品。但是当你要潜入深蓝的水里时,这里有你想像不到的深度。游戏设计了漫长的故事线,有各种各样的活动,潜水员戴夫最终成为了被各种活动和事务影响的杂家。但是,捕鱼和出售寿司,获利升级装备,如此循环简单却令人欲罢不能,它非常适合Steam deck掌机。再介绍下戴夫,它是一个有趣、身材滚圆的英雄,这款游戏也是我们见过的最大、最好的像素过场动画游戏。

Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium is so text-heavy that it can feel like you're actually holding a Kindle when playing it on a Steam Deck, but for fans of deep RPG experiences, it's exactly what you're probably looking for. The latitude for true role-playing is vast and the story goes places that are both smart and unpredictable. The painterly art style also looks great in handheld mode and may have fellow train passengers looking over to see what it is you're doing, which admittedly is a little awkward when you start the game hungover in your underpants.

《极乐迪斯科》有大量的文字,以至于在 Steam Deck 上玩时,感觉像拿着 Kindle,但对于喜欢深度 RPG 体验的粉丝来说,这正可能是您需要的。游戏里角色扮演自由度很大。故事走向巧妙,难于预测。其画面的艺术风格在掌机手持模式下看起来也相当不错。如果你在乘坐火车时玩这款游戏,可能会引来旁边乘客的侧目。当然,当你穿着内裤又喝得酩酊醉再玩这款迪斯科游戏时,那画面……就有点尴尬了。

A video game with a side of Eldritch horror, Dredge has you fishing the shores of Greater Marrow to reel in big catches, upgrade your boat, buy better supplies, and deal with panicked hallucinations. You know, normal fishing stuff! As the story unfolds you discover more about the horrific sea monsters that lurk below the surface, giving the whole thing a touch of lightly creeping spookiness.

《渔帆暗涌》是一款带有恐怖元素的游戏,玩家在名为 Great Marrow的小镇一处海岸上钓鱼,然后捕获大量渔获,升级船只,购买更高级的补给品,但有时要应对一些奇怪的幻觉。 你知道,钓鱼,再普通不过了!但随着故事的展开,你会发现更多可怕的信息,这些信息跟海怪有关,就潜伏在海面下!这使整个故事听起来毛骨悚然。

Dwarf Fortress
After nearly two decades of development, Dwarf Fortress is finally available on Steam (and playable on Steam Deck). The elaborate simulation game tasks you with growing a small settlement of dwarves into a thriving metropolis. There’s a ridiculous level of depth to the game, as you’ll need to gather resources, craft new gear, engage in combat, build structures, and contend with a dynamic weather system that can impact your city. It’s not for the faint of heart, but Dwarf Fortress is an intricate game that should please anyone itching for a comprehensive sim.

经过近二十年的开发,《矮人要塞》终于登陆Steam(并且可以在 Steam Deck 上玩)。 这款模拟游戏精心设计,其任务是把一个矮人小聚居地发展成为一个繁荣的大都市。 游戏的深度堪称荒谬,因为玩家需要收集资源、制作新装备、参与战斗、建造建筑,并应对可能影响城市的动态天气系统。 这不适合胆怯者,《矮人要塞》游戏之复杂程度,应该会满足那些喜欢综合性高的模拟游戏的玩家的胃口。

Elden Ring
Elden Ring’s The Lands Between are vast and rich with activities to undertake. At any given moment you're a stone’s throw away from a hidden dungeon, a brand new area of the map, or a challenging mini-boss. Although the game tells you to seek the shards of the Elden Ring and become Elden Lord, it's easy to spend dozens of hours doing other things instead. The Steam Deck is a fantastic way of undertaking some of these shorter tasks in bite-sized chunks, before returning to the main task at hand on a bigger screen with a beefier PC. Steam's ability to seamlessly upload and download cloud saves makes this functionality a breeze. But, if you're playing entirely on the Steam Deck alone, Elden Ring runs very well--no doubt because Valve took steps to ensure the biggest game of the year, which launched around the same time as its Steam Deck, actually worked. Elden Ring looks and plays excellent on the handheld, so you can hop into the Lands Between whenever is most convenient for you.

《艾尔登法环》的“交界地”(The Lands Between)辽阔富饶,可做任何你想做的事情。 许多时候,您距离那些隐藏的地牢、地图上未经探索的区域或具有挑战性的小Boss 都只有一箭之遥。 虽然游戏的主要任务是找到埃尔登戒指的碎片,成为埃尔登领主,但一不留神容易花了几十个小时做了其他支线任务的事情。 用Steam Deck 玩这款游戏是一种绝佳的方式,可以将一些较短的任务切成小块去完成,然后在电脑大屏幕上施展你身手去完成主要任务。 Steam 无缝上传和下载及云保存的能力使此功能变得轻松。 但是,如果你完全在 Steam Deck 上玩游戏,《艾尔登法环》也能毫无疑问运行得很好,因为其生产商Valve 做了相当优化,以确保Steam Deck 与同时发布的年度游戏大作能够流畅运行。 《艾尔登法环》在掌上电脑上的颜值和玩法都非常出色,你尽可以怎么方便怎么来的方式进入交界地。

Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters
The classic Final Fantasy series has gotten lovingly restored with the Pixel Remaster, but its other available platform is less than ideal. The mobile versions lack a lot of the customization options that you'll find on PC, and they don't even support controllers so you're forced to use (shudder) touch controls. Gross. But these classic RPGs feel readymade for portable, making Steam Deck the best place to play. Not only can you grind levels while binge-watching a show, but it looks and plays great, and you can even install mods to (for example) fix the font. If you can only get one, Final Fantasy 6 is an absolute masterpiece.

经典的《最终幻想》系列已以像素重制的方式得到了精心修复,但这款游戏在其他游戏平台表现不太理想。 移动版本中缺失很多 PC 上的自定义选项,甚至不支持游戏手柄,因此迫使你用触摸板控制,想想都麻烦。 但该系列游戏经典的角色扮演游戏总给人一种适合便携式掌机的感觉,这使得 Steam Deck 成为玩游戏的最佳选择。 您不仅可以在欣赏剧情时打怪升级,且其画面和音效都很棒,您也可以安装模组比如字体模组去修复字体。 如果你只可选该系列游戏中的一部,《最终幻想6》绝对是一部杰作,推荐它。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Gravity Circuit
There's no shortage of Mega Man homages on Steam, but Gravity Circuit is one of the best for how it riffs on the concept and finds its own identity. This is definitely Mega Man inspired--the robot designs and story are very analogous to the Mega Man X series in particular--but it exchanges the long-range shooting of that classic series for close-up melee fighting. The result is the marriage of Mega Man and Shinobi we never knew we wanted, creating frantic fighting-like mechanics interspersed with white-knuckled platforming challenges.

Steam 上不乏向《洛克人》致敬的作品,但《重力回路》是其中最好的作品之一,因为它模仿了人形机器这一概念,并有自己的特色。 这绝对是受到《洛克人》的启发——机器人的设计和游戏故事与《洛克人 X》系列非常相似——但它将变经典的远程射击为近战。 最后变成了《洛克人》和《忍者》的结合,其实人类从来不知道自己想要什么,便凭空设计创造了这些带着挑战性的疯狂的战斗机制来娱乐自己。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

God of War
Some games fit Steam Deck because their genre or gameplay elements just feel right at home in a handheld device. Others, Like God of War, are just proof of how powerful the Steam Deck is. God of War is a game that once seemed unlikely to ever come to PC, but in 2022, not only is it available on the platform, it's fully verified and ready to go on Steam Deck. It's so cool to see it in this way, it almost makes one wish for some sort of PlayStation handheld device. Imagine that!

有些游戏适合 Steam Deck,因为其游戏类型或游戏元素在手持设备上感觉很舒服。 有些游戏,例如《战神》,是用于证明 Steam Deck 强大。 《战神》是一款曾经认为不可能登陆 PC 的游戏,但在 2022 年,玩家不仅在平台上看见了它,而且已经经过充分验可在 Steam Deck 上运行。 以这种方式看到它真是酷,它几乎让人想有PlayStation便携掌机的冲动。 可以想象一下!

Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2 being great on Steam Deck is basically a given, considering Valve’s long-term support for the 2004 game. Valve likes to use it and games like Portal as testing grounds and showcases for its new technology, and there are some Steam Deck bells and whistles that make the already fantastic, landmark first-person shooter shine on Deck. Gordon Freeman’s second adventure still looks and plays great more than 15 years later, but the default control setup also incorporates motion controls. Using Deck’s capacitive tech, simply laying your thumb on the right control stick activates the motion controls. Setting it up this way means you only use the motion when you are aiming (a bit like Breath of the Wild’s default controls) and it also allows you to play it like a standard controller FPS game without diving into menus if you so choose. Using motion controls to take out headcrabs is a feature I never knew I wanted, but immediately found myself using and enjoying on Steam Deck.

由于 Valve 自 2004 年开始对游戏的长期支持,《半条命 2》在 Steam Deck 上的出色表现是理所当然的。 Valve 喜欢用它和 《传送门》(Portal) 等游戏作为其设备新技术的试验场和展示地,在Steam Deck 的一些丰富功能加持下,让这款本就精彩、具有里程碑意义的第一人称射击游戏在 Deck 上大放异彩。 15 年后,游戏主角戈登·弗里曼的第二次冒险之旅玩起来还是很棒,不过其默认的控制设置还包含了运动控制。 运用Deck 的电容技术,玩家只需将拇指放在右侧控制杆上即可控制运动。以这种方式设置意味着您仅在瞄准时需要运动(有点像《荒野之息》的默认控件),并且您可以像传统的FPS 游戏一样设置标准控制来玩它,而无需深入菜单(如果您愿意)。 使用运动控制来收拾猎头蟹是一个我以前不知道自己的功能,但用了 Steam Deck 才知道且现已享受其中。

Halls of Torment
Vampire Survivors by way of Diablo, Halls of Torment takes the auto-shooter genre that has blown up recently and adds some of its own flavor. With different character classes and the ability to turn on manual aim, a round of Halls of Torment actually ends up feeling like an abbreviated game of Diablo 2. And like lots of roguelike survival shooters, you can bank for upgrades that will make your next run that much more successful.

《暗黑破坏神》中的《吸血鬼幸存者》、《折磨殿堂》都属于最近流行的自动射击游戏类型,当然也新添了一些独特的风格。 游戏有不同的角色类别,也能手动瞄准,玩一局《折磨殿堂》实际上最终感觉就像是《暗黑破坏神 2》的简化版游戏。与许多类rogue的生存射击游戏一样,可以升级,以便下一轮游戏更加顺利,那就更成功了。

Hitman 3
Hitman 3 is the culmination of a half-decade of hard work from IO Interactive, and that's admirable. But also, on Steam Deck, it's a diverse world tour of portable murder playgrounds, and that's pretty neat too, don't you think? If you happen to have access to the earlier games in the Hitman reboot series, this third game houses every level, weapon, and ridiculous costume into one central hub, giving Hitman fans the totality of the franchise's best entries all in the palms of their hands.

《杀手 3》是丹麦游戏开发商IO Interactive 五年来辛勤工作的结晶,令人钦佩。 在 Steam Deck 上,就像变成了一场便携式游乐场,主角在多元化世界完成其谋杀之旅,这相当赞啊,你不觉得吗? 如果您碰巧玩过《杀手》系列的早期游戏,那么第三款游戏将每个关卡、武器和奇怪的服装都集中在一起,让《杀手》的粉丝可以将其系列中最好的作品悉数收入囊中。

Into The Breach
For my money, Into the Breach is one of the best-designed games in recent memory, and it's perfectly at home on Deck, thanks to its turn-based nature and bite-sized missions. As the previous Switch release demonstrated, the controls work perfectly well with a gamepad, and the screen here is well up to the task of displaying all of the information you need. Performance is great (it's not terribly demanding from a hardware perspective), and it's a terrific game that you can sink hours into at a time or occasionally glance at while watching something on TV.

在我看来,《陷阵之志》是记忆中设计最好的游戏之一,其回合制和一些小小的任务,非常适合在 Deck 上运行。 正如该游戏 Switch 版本所展示的那样,游戏控制与游戏手柄完美配合,并且屏幕完全可以显示您任务信息。性能也非常出色(从硬件角度来看,其要求也不高),且其本身是一款很棒的游戏,可以一次玩几个小时,或者在看电视时偶尔瞄一眼。

Left 4 Dead 2
Few games scream "Valve!" more than Left 4 Dead 2, so it should be a no-brainer for the Steam Deck, and I'm happy to report that playing it on the handheld is actually even better than playing it on console. It runs very smooth and the PC lobbies have always stayed active even after the Xbox community largely fell by the wayside. The controls are simple too, so even if you've been playing for years on PC, you'll quickly intuit how to pick up an axe and start chopping off zombie limbs with friends on the go.

没有什么游戏会比《求生之路2》容易让人尖叫“Valve!”,所以对于 Steam Deck 来说这是理所当然的事情,而且我很高兴地向大家汇报,在便携掌机玩它比在主机上玩更好,其运行非常流畅。在 Xbox 社区,即使它基本上被冷落了,但在PC的游戏大厅也始终保持活跃。游戏的控制很简单,所以即使你已经在电脑上玩了很多年,你也会很快凭直觉就知道如何拿起斧头与队友一起剁掉僵尸的四肢。

Marvel's Midnight Suns
Developed by the same folks behind XCOM 2, Marvel's Midnight Suns is a tactical-RPG with a Marvel twist. You’ll play as a fully customizable hero (known as The Hunter), as you team up with big names like Doctor Strange and Spider-Man to take down Lilith and the elder god Chthon. Combat isn’t exactly like XCOM 2, however, as you’ll have access to a card system that grants you powerful abilities on the battlefield--along with a wide assortment of superpowers. Beyond combat, Midnight Suns lets you chat with your teammates at your secret base and unlock new skills that can help turn the tide in battle.

《黑夜之子》由《幽浮》的开发团队开发,这是一款带有漫威风格的战术角色扮演游戏。玩家将扮演一个完全可定制的英雄(被称为猎人),与诸如《奇异博士》和《蜘蛛侠》等大牌人物合作,击败莉莉丝和长老契顿。 当然,战斗也不完全像《幽浮》,玩家可使用卡牌系统,通过该系统在战场上拥有强大的能力 - 以及拥有各种各样的超级大国。 除了战斗之外,在游戏里也可以与队友聊天,并解锁新技能,以帮助扭转战局。

Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Rise is another Switch game that eventually found a home on PC, making it well-suited for Steam Deck. The latest game in the franchise does quite a bit to move the series forward, with the Wirebug adding a new verticality to its maps and Rampage quests offering a chaotic break from your usual hunts. Beyond those changes, everything else that made Monster Hunter so popular is here in spades. Whether you enjoy heading out on hunts with a group of friends, meticulously crafting every piece of gear, or trying to slay beasts solo, Monster Hunter Rise is bound to impress.

《怪物猎人:崛起》是一款Switch 游戏,但最终在 PC 上找到了归宿,因此也非常适合 Steam Deck。 该系列的最新版本在很大程度上推动了该系列的继续研发,翔虫使(wirebug)的运用增加了地图的垂直性,而百龙夜行(Rampage) 任务则可使玩家在狩猎活动后休息。 除了这些变化之外,《怪物猎人》如此受欢迎的一切原因都在这里。 无论您喜欢与朋友一起外出狩猎,为此精心制作每一件装备,还是尝试独自杀死野兽,《怪物猎人崛起》一定会给您留下深刻的印象。

Monster Train
Much like Slay the Spire, which clearly inspired it, Monster Train is a game well-suited to quick bursts of gameplay. Because it's already available on Xbox, it features controller support, so controlling it on Deck is easy. But just as importantly, the action is readable on the screen, and its turn-based nature lends itself to the type of portable/toilet gaming that Deck enables. However you play it, the gameplay remains some of the very best in the roguelike deckbuilder genre, giving you a great deal of freedom in how you assemble your deck and combine cards from different factions to make each run feel distinct.

《怪物列车》与《杀戮尖塔》极其相像,前者显然受了后者的启发,它是一款战技高速爆发的游戏。 因为它已登陆Xbox,支持游戏手柄,因此在 Deck 上玩很容易。 但同样重要的是,可以在屏幕上阅读动作说明,而且其回合制性质适合 Deck 所支持的便携式或者说上厕所时打发时间的游戏类型。 无论您如何玩,游戏玩法仍然是类Rogue牌组构建类型中最好的游戏之一,玩家可以自由地组牌且能组合来自不同派系的卡牌,这样每次玩起来都感觉不一样。

Octopath Traveler 2
Most of the JRPG homages are riffing on classics from Square Enix, so it only makes sense that Square would make one of the best ones itself. Octopath Traveler 2 is the sequel to its experimental first game featuring eight heroes with their own backstories, and that core idea is still intact here. But OT2 is a vast improvement in every way. The repetitive process of gathering all eight party members has been streamlined, and the roles and abilities are more differentiated. Characters also now have differing daytime and nighttime skills, as well as Latent Abilities to use in combat. It may be a little slow to get started, but when all the mechanics and systems come together, it sings.

大多数日式角色扮演游戏都在模仿史克威尔艾尼克斯(Square Enix)公司的一些经典作品,因此史克威尔将自己的游戏打造成标杆是有道理的。 《八方旅人2》是其实验的第一款游戏的续作,讲述了八位拥有不同背景的英雄。而这一核心故事理念在这里仍然保留, 但《八方旅人2》 在各个方面都有巨大的进步。 集合八名旅人的流程被简化了,角色和能力更加分化。角色在白天和夜间还分别具有不同的技能,以及对战中的战斗潜能。 玩这游戏开始时可能进展很慢,但所有技术技巧机制结合在一起时,游戏会响起独特的乐曲。

Ori and the Blind Forest
The Metroidvania genre fits like a glove on Steam Deck, and among those, my favorite is the Ori series. While I haven't tested the sequel, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, the original remains an immaculate and tightly-designed genre standout, arguably the best of the past decade. Taking that on the go is already possible on Switch and even Xbox Cloud Gaming, so you've maybe had opportunities to play it in handheld mode before, but if you missed it until now, the Steam Deck is the best of those handhelds thanks to it not requiring an internet connection like Xbox and its larger, nicer screen than Switch.

跟《银河恶魔城》类型相似,非常适合 Steam Deck,其中我最喜欢的是奥日系列。 虽然我还没有测试过续集《奥日与萤火意志》,但原作设计严谨,堪称完美,仍然是这一类型中的佼佼者,可以说是过去十年中最好的。 在 Switch 甚至 Xbox 云游戏上都可以随时随地玩这款游戏,因此玩家以前就可能在便携掌机上玩过。但如果您到现在为止还没玩过,那么 Steam Deck 是这些便携机中最好的,主要是它不像 Xbox 那样需要互联网连接,另一方面屏幕也比 Switch要大、要好。

Rogue Legacy 2
This anticipated sequel has finally gotten a full release after an extended early access period, and it might just be the ideal use-case for Steam Deck. The rogue-lite action game has you once again battling through a castle as a cascading series of hiers, each with their own powers, making incremental progress all the way as you inherit new traits and buy permanent upgrades. The new 2D/3D hybrid art style looks fantastic on the Steam Deck screen, and it's the perfect type of easy-to-pick-up, hard-to-put-down experience that thrives on a handheld.

这款游戏抢先体验期经过一次延长后,其续作备受期待,并最终有了完整版本,它可能是 Steam Deck 的理想适配游戏。 在这款类Rogue动作游戏中,玩家再次扮演继承人在某城堡中战斗,每个继承人都拥有不同的能力,继承到新的技能并购买些永久性的升级装备后,主角也渐渐会法力大增。 这款游戏混合了2D/3D艺术风格,在 Steam Deck 屏幕上看起来相当有意思,正值掌机蓬勃发展,这款游戏可说是易于上手、难以放下的体验的完美类型。

If Switch players get Breath of the Wild, at least Steam Deck users get to have Sable. This clearly BOTW-inspired open-world puzzler foregoes combat of any kind in favor of a chilled-out coming-of-age story set in a unique fantasy world full of quests, characters, and secrets. The open-ended game lets you see its credits in as little as three hours or as many as 20+. It's up to you to decide when your ride is over, be that when your flight ends or perhaps months down the line. The music is done entirely by Japanese Breakfast too, giving the entire game a meditative quality that is perfect for a long trip you may not otherwise be looking forward to.

如果 Switch 玩家有《塞尔达传说:旷野之息》,那么至少 Steam Deck 玩家则有《沙贝》。 这款明显受《塞尔达传说:旷野之息》启发的益智开放世界游戏,游戏没有任何形式的战斗,而在一个充满任务、角色和秘密的独特奇幻世界中讲述一个成长故事,非常独特。 这款开放式游戏可让您在短则 3 小时、长则 20 多个小时内通关。 您可以决定旅程何时结束,可以是在坐一趟飞机落地时,也可以是几个月后。 游戏配乐也完全由一个名为“日式早餐”(Japanese Breakfast)的乐队完成的,其音乐让玩家在整个游戏中易产生一种冥想,非常适合玩家在可有可无的长途旅途中玩。

Sea of Stars
This JRPG homage comes from an unexpected source. Sabotage Studio, the creator of the Ninja Gaiden throwback The Messenger, made its own take on classic SNES-era RPGs. Even more astounding is that the indie studio has now excelled at two completely different genres. Sea of Stars is technically a prequel to the Messenger, but its own Chrono Trigger-inspired combat is all its own. At the same time, Sabotage has introduced new ideas to streamline the classic formula, like the ability to stagger your enemies by hitting a certain combination of attack types. It also sports some of the most beautiful pixel art we've seen, so it's worth seeing.

这种向日式角色扮演游戏致敬的方式出乎意料。 开发商Sabotage工作室曾是《忍者龙剑传》复古版《信使》的创作者,对经典任天堂时代的角色扮演游戏有贡献。 令人惊讶的是,工作室开发的游戏在两种完全不同的类型上都表现出色。 从技术上讲,《星之海》是《信使》的前传,但其战斗受《时空之轮》启发。 与此同时,Sabotage工作室还引入一些新的理念来简化某些经典模式,例如设计通过反攻击对方特定类型的攻击组合来击败敌人的能力。 游戏还有一些非常漂亮的像素艺术,所以值得一玩。

Sea of Thieves
While you do need an internet connection to play Sea of Thieves, that isn't too hard to come by in 2022. Past iterations of Rare's pirate sandbox have been less short session-friendly, but the team has taken strides to improve the game in that area, offering short and sweet daily challenges for all players and introducing new Sea Forts, which are meant to be challenged and won in as little as 15-20 minutes including the time it takes to sell all your loot. Sea of Thieves, like God of War listed earlier in this feature, is the kind of game that you once could only dream about playing on a handheld. But today the future has arrived by boat.

虽然需要联网才能玩《盗贼之海》,但在都2022年了,不难实现吧!以往开发商Rare 的海盗沙盒迭代不太适合短时间游戏,但团队已经在改进游戏方面取得了长足进步。 为所有玩家提供简短而欢乐的每日挑战,游戏做了一个新东西叫“海上堡垒”,在堡垒里边,玩家要短短 15-20 分钟内接受挑战并赢得胜利,如果要出售所有战利品,也要在这时间内完成。 《盗贼之海》就像本专题前面列出的《战神》一样,是一款曾经只能梦想在便携掌机上玩的游戏。 但今天,这个未来梦想之帆已在你眼前。

Spider-Man Remastered
Like God of War, Spider-Man Remastered is a game that shows just how well Steam Deck can handle a big-budget, AAA experience. Marvel's Spider-Man came out in 2018, but its remastered version helped push the power of the PS5. The PC conversion can run even better with a significantly beefy PC, but the Steam Deck version runs impressively well with the right settings. That means you can pack the great-looking visuals and all the web-swinging action into a portable package.

与《战神》一样,《蜘蛛侠重制版》展示了 Steam Deck 能够出色地应对重金打造的3A大作游戏。 漫威的《蜘蛛侠》于 2018 年问世,但其重制版却尽显PS5 游戏机的强悍。 该游戏的PC端可以在功能强大的 PC 上运行得更好,但Steam Deck 版本只要设置得当,同样运行得非常好。 这意味着玩家可以将游戏里炫丽的视觉效果和蜘蛛侠吐丝在高楼穿梭摇摆的动作全收到一个便携包里。

Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley might be the most popular farming game on the planet. Created almost entirely by a single developer (Eric Barone), the amount of content packed into its adorable, pixelated world is staggering. What starts as a simple quest to rebuild your grandpa’s farm quickly turns into something more. You’ll chat with the locals and form relationships, head out on dangerous mining expeditions, and watch as the quaint Pelican Town transforms through the seasons. Its laidback pace makes it a perfect fit for Steam Deck, giving you a chance to stick your hands in the dirt no matter where life takes you.

《星露谷物语》或是全球最受欢迎的农场游戏。 游戏几乎完全只由一个开发商(Eric Barone)开发的,其可爱的像素化世界里包罗万象。 一开始只是重建爷爷农场,这种简单任务很快就变成事务缠身。 玩家在游戏中将与当地人聊天并建立关系,前往危险的采矿探险,并照看随着季节变化而不同的鹈鹕古镇。 其悠闲的节奏非常适合 Steam Deck,无论生活将您带往何处,您都有机会亲身打理这块农场。

Unpacking is another one of those games that feels welcoming to short or long sessions alike. In this 2021 wordless wonder from Witch Beam, you learn about unseen characters just by unpacking their boxes on various moving days spread across their life, from childhood into much older age. The point-and-click nature of the game is welcoming to the Steam Deck's multiple input modes, including analog sticks or the touchscreen.

无论喜欢短时间游戏的,还是喜欢长时间游戏的,《搬家模拟器》都能俘获他们芳心。 在开发商Witch Beam2021年创造的无法用语言形容的游戏奇观里,玩家只需在主角生活中需要搬家的日子(从童年到老年的不同时间)打开箱子,以了解角色背景故事。 游戏的点击式特性非常适合 Steam Deck 的多种操作模式,比如可以模拟摇杆或触摸屏操作。

Vampire Survivors
An early access game you can grab on the cheap, Vampire Survivors is very simple but shockingly fun. The single-stick shooter has you navigate around hordes of enemies while your weapons fire off automatically, building up experience to buy new weapon upgrades. The deceptively simple premise gets increasingly fiendish and chaotic as more enemies join the fray, and your weapon upgrades get ever-more destructive. It's enough to tempt you to play just one more round until you realize, oh whoops, it's 3 AM.

《吸血鬼幸存者》是一款很早就可以以低价买到的游戏,它非常简单,但非常有意思。 单杆射击游戏让你在成群的敌人周围也能自如操控,同时武器可以自动开火,也可积累经验点数来购买新的武器升级。 随着越来越多的敌人加入战斗,看似简单的前奏故事会变得越来越邪恶和混乱,武器升级也变得更具杀伤力。 这足以诱惑您再玩一轮,直到您意识到,哦,哎呀,现在是凌晨 3 点了。

The Witcher 3
Whenever you can take one of the best RPGs in the world with you on the go, you've gotta do it, I say. The Witcher 3 is also playable on Switch, but it looks and runs better on Steam Deck in my personal experience. Though the game is now seven years old, it's still a benchmark in video game storytelling, especially when it comes to those incredible side quests. Exploring the world, meeting colorful characters, and slaying monsters makes any train ride or picnic so much more interesting.

如果要随身携带一款世界上最好的角色扮演游戏之一,非《巫师3》莫属。 《巫师 3》也可以在 Switch 上玩,但根据经验,它在 Steam Deck 上的画面和运行效果更好。 尽管这款游戏已经推出七年了,它仍然是视频游戏叙事的标杆,尤其是在涉及到支线任务时,精彩程度堪称一绝。 游戏里探索世界,结识丰富多彩的人物,杀死怪物,这使乘坐火车或野餐这种日常变得更加有趣。