Sanatan Explorer
India, a land of diversity and rich history, never ceases to amaze. While many Indians are well-versed in their country's culture and heritage, there are intriguing aspects that often escape mainstream attention.


Did you know that India boasts the world's first and only floating post office?
It's located on Dal Lake in Srinagar, Kashmir. This charming post office sits atop a houseboat, adding a unique touch to the postal service.
Cricket is practically a religion in India, but did you know about the world's highest cricket ground?
At an elevation of 2,444 meters above sea level, the Chail Cricket Ground in Himachal Pradesh holds this distinction.
While you might associate heavy rainfall with tropical rainforests, India's Mawsynram village in Meghalaya holds the title for the wettest place on Earth. It receives an astonishing average annual rainfall of around 467.4 inches (11,871 millimeters).

你知道印度拥有世界上第一个和唯一的漂浮邮局吗?它位于克什米尔的斯利那加的达尔湖上。这个迷人的邮局坐落在一艘房船上,为邮政服务增添了独特的风格。 板球在印度几乎就是一种宗教,但你知道世界上海拔最高的板球场吗?海拔2,444米的喜马偕尔邦的 Chail 板球场就拥有这个荣誉。 虽然你可能把大雨和热带雨林联系起来,但印度的梅加拉亚邦的 Mawsynram 村却是地球上降雨最多的地方,年平均降雨量达到惊人的467.4英寸(11,871毫米)。

The word "shampoo" comes from the Sanskrit word "champu," which means to massage or knead. Indians were practicing the art of hair care and massage long before it became a global trend.
The Kumbh Mela, a Hindu pilgrimage that takes place every 12 years, is so massive that it's visible from space. The gathering of millions of pilgrims creates an awe-inspiring spectacle.

“洗发水”一词源自梵语单词“champu”,意为按摩或揉捏。在全球洗发护发成为一种潮流之前,印度人已经在进行头发护理和按摩了。 班加罗尔的康布梅拉是一次 12 年一次的印度教朝圣活动,规模如此庞大,以至于从太空中都可以看到这个汇集了数百万朝圣者的令人敬畏的景象。

Kodinhi, a small village in Kerala, has an extraordinarily high number of twins. The exact cause remains a mystery, baffling scientists and researchers.
Shani Shingnapur, a village in Maharashtra, is famous for having no locks on its doors. The villagers believe that Lord Shani, the deity they worship, will protect their homes from theft and harm.

喀拉拉邦的小村庄 Kodinhi 拥有异常高的双胞胎数量,其原因不明,让科学家和研究人员困惑不解。 马哈拉施特拉邦的 Shani Shingnapur 村因门没有锁而闻名。村民们相信他们崇拜的神祇沙尼将保护他们的家免受盗窃和伤害。

In Manipur, Loktak Lake is known for its phumdis, which are floating islands made of organic matter. These unique ecosystems are home to various flora and fauna.
