Japan has the world''s second-highest life expectancy. Average about 84.6 years. Many people connect Japan''s long life expectancy to its traditional healthier diet.
Every year more than 1,500 earthquakes hit Japan. Most are these are small, tiny earthquakes that you wouldn''t feel but large devastating earthquakes do happen once in a while.
Everyone knows how punctual Japanese trains are. In fact, in 2017, the Tsukuba Express Line made Global Headlines when the management of the train line apologized publicly for leaving the stations 20 seconds early.

日本是世界上寿命第二长的国家,平均寿命约为84.6岁。许多人将日本的长寿归功于传统的健康饮食。 每年有超过1,500次地震袭击日本。其中大部分都是你不会感觉到的小型微震,但偶尔也会发生大规模破坏性的地震。 人人皆知,日本的火车非常准时。事实上,2017年,筑波快线因为提前20秒离站而公开道歉,成为全球头条新闻。

If you see Electric Rice Cooker, Quartz Watch, tactile paving, karaoke, cassette player, blue LED, emoji and basically many things then the credit goes to Japan.
Japan has more pets than children. The country has an estimated 22 million pets, but only 16.6 million children under the age of 15.
There are 4 million more females than males in Japan.
Japan has a population of around 127 million, but only 2% of them are foreigners. Over 20 million visitors visit Japan every year.
Japan is a beautiful country, with stunning mountains, forests, and beaches. It has a rich culture and history, dating back over 2,000 years.
Japan is a very polite and respectful society, a safe country, with a low crime rate.
Japan is also famous for vending machines, world's largest producer of cars and electronics, some of the most delicious food.

如果你看到电饭锅、石英手表、盲道、卡拉OK、卡带播放器、蓝色LED、表情符号以及许多其他物品,都要感谢日本。 日本的宠物数量超过了儿童数量。据估计,该国拥有约2,200万只宠物,但只有1660万名15岁以下的儿童。 日本比男性多400万名女性。 日本人口约为1.27亿,但只有2% 是外国人。每年有超过2000万名游客访问日本。 日本是一个美丽的国家,拥有令人惊叹的山脉、森林和海滩。它有着悠久的文化和历史,可以追溯到2000多年前。 日本是一个非常礼貌和尊重的社会,是一个犯罪率低、安全的国家。 日本也以自动售货机、全球最大的汽车和电子产品生产商以及一些美味的食物而闻名。