
I am a Nepali traveling your country and I can fully say it is fully messed up


There are countless examples, and you all know them better than me. Although I am not trying to say that Nepal is any better.


At first, I thought India wouldn't be as bad as my friends called it, but after touring the country, I realized how much worse it was! Countless people were trying to flirt with my sister, making her uncomfortable, and some even committed straight-up sexual harassment. Mind you, this happened in broad daylight in Delhi.

起初,我以为印度不会像我朋友说的那么糟糕,但在参观了这个国家之后,我意识到它糟糕得多! 无数人试图调戏我妹妹,让她感到不舒服,有些人甚至直接进行性骚扰。提醒你一下,这种情况发生在光天化日之下的德里。

Our plan was to tour Delhi and go to other states, but we returned home only after 3 weeks instead of the 2 months we had planned. Hell, in those three weeks, the number of conflicts and sexual harassment cases I witnessed was immense, not only involving my sister but also normal girls walking down the streets. It makes my blood boil that some people don't even have basic humanity.


If I had to write more, I could probably make this reach 2000 words, but I won't. All I feel is pity towards the normal girls living in India. I want to clarify that I am not trying to say ALL INDIANS ARE BAD, and Nepal isn't much better but we have never felt this unsafe in Nepal.


There is a reason most of Nepalese are distrustful of Indians or just straight up hate them.


Edit- I am sorry if I seem as a xenophobic but seeing your sister getting harassed and you not being able to do anything hurts. I am sorry if this post hurt anyone.


Edit 2- We didn't stay in delhi for 3 weeks we stayed there for 6 days since we had few relatives here too. Also my uncle was also going to join us in delhi so we had to wait for him too.


Also the many weren't flirting with my sister, they were either making sexist joke or just straight up trying to touch up (which they luckily couldn't), there were many other things but I won't go into that. Also note it my sister is 16 years old and she looks like a 16 year old but she just has fair skin.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Edit 3-I am not an anti-Indian or anti-nationalist. I posted this because I wanted to share my experience, and I admit that it is my fault for considering Delhi as representative of the entirety of India. This is just a rant post, and I am simply trying to express myself.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I will probably dexe my reddit account due to the amount of hate DMs I am receiving. I will say it again I am sorry if I this post hurt anyone, I never thought it would get so big that people would send death threats to me. I am sorry.
