A growing number of children have been born with the help of a pioneering technique that effectively means they carry genetic material from three people. It is opening up a new debate on what rights they should have.


A groundbreaking fertility procedure that uses DNA from three people to prevent devastating mitochondrial diseases has resulted in the birth of several healthy babies in a number of countries around the world – including, most recently, in the UK.

这种开创性的生殖手术利用三个人的 DNA来预防致命的线粒体疾病,世界上多个国家已经利用这种手术(包括最近在英国)诞生了多名健康的婴儿。

The new technique, called mitochondrial replacement therapy, gives hope to couples who have lost children to rare genetic conditions. But it has also faced opposition, partly because of broader concerns around processes that involve genetic modifications in humans.


With some of the first children to be born using mitochondrial donation turning seven years old this year, and the technique becoming more widely used, regulators and parents are also facing ethical questions to do with the children's identity and origin.


One crucial question being raised is whether the children should have the right to know their mitochondrial donors' identity.


Experts say that existing research on more established forms of donor-assisted conception, such as sperm and egg donation could help answer those questions – and find the best way to ensure the children's emotional wellbeing.


Mitochondria are found inside most human cells where they act as mini power plants turning sugar into energy and they also carry their own DNA

线粒体存在于大多数人体细胞内,充当着将糖分转化为能量的微型发电厂,线粒体还携带自己的 DNA

Mitochondria are special compartments inside our cells that convert the energy found in food into a form that can be used to power bodies. But they can't do this if they carry faults that lead to disease. We inherit our mitochondria from our mothers, so a woman who carries some faulty mitochondria can pass these onto her children.


Mitochondrial replacement therapy is a form of IVF that combines the DNA from a mother and father inside an egg donated by another woman that contains healthy mitochondria.

线粒体替代疗法是一种体外受精方式,将父母双方的 DNA 结合后,植入另一名女性捐献的卵子中,该卵子含有健康的线粒体。

The resulting embryo carries DNA from the two parents, but also carries a tiny amount of genetic material from the donor – around 0.1%. This donor DNA is contained within the mitochondria itself. Experts emphasise that the baby should not be regarded as a "three-parent" baby, but a "three-person" baby: they have two parents, and a donor.

由此诞生的胚胎携带父母双方的 DNA,但也携带少量来自捐献者的遗传物质——大约 0.1%,捐献者的 DNA 包含在线粒体中。专家强调,这种婴儿不应被视为“三亲”婴儿,而是“三人”婴儿:他们有两个父母,一个捐献者。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Around the world, rules around the procedure are still evolving. The UK has pioneered laws and regulations to allow mitochondrial replacement techniques, and remains one of the few countries to have explicitly legalised it. Australia also legalised the procedure in 2022.


In the United States, the procedure is de facto banned: clinical research using mitochondrial replacement techniques in humans cannot legally proceed after the Food and Drug Administration expressed safety concerns. In Canada, the procedure is also banned. However, people have found ways to circumvent such restrictions by involving countries with laxer or absent rules. In 2016 a boy was born to a Jordanian couple in the US with the help of a mitochondrial replacement procedure, part of which was carried out in Mexico.

美国实际上禁止了这种手术:在美国食品和药物管理局表示安全担忧后,利用线粒体替代技术进行人体临床研究是违法的。加拿大也禁止了这种手术。然而人们想出了规避法规限制的办法,让那些法规比较宽松或缺失的国家参与其中。2016 年,一对约旦夫妇在线粒体替代手术的帮助下在美国生下一名男婴,其中一部分手术是在墨西哥进行的。

Unlike the parents' DNA, the donor's mitochondrial DNA does not influence traits such as hair or eye colour, or personality. This difference, and the fact that only a tiny bit of genetic material is from the mitochondrial donor, has had important regulatory consequences.

与父母的 DNA 不同,捐献者的线粒体 DNA 不会影响头发、眼睛颜色、性格等特征。这种差异,以及只有一丁点遗传物质来自线粒体捐献者的事实,已经造成了重大的监管后果。

In the UK, a woman who donates her eggs for use in mitochondrial donation treatment is not considered the genetic parent of the resulting child, and remains anonymous – and the resulting child cannot apply to find out her identity. From the age of 16, a child can, however, access some non-identifying information about their mitochondrial donor, such as information about their personal and family medical history.

在英国,捐献卵子用于线粒体捐献治疗的女性不被视为孩子的亲生父母,并且保持匿名——所生的孩子不能申请查明该女性的身份。但是从 16 岁起,孩子可以了解线粒体捐献者的某些非身份信息,例如个人和家族的病史。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sperm and egg donation, in contrast, is now open-identity only in the UK (the child can apply to know the donor's identity when they are 18).


John Appleby, a lecturer in medical ethics at Lancaster University, in the UK, disagrees with the UK's regulatory decision to make mitochondrial donation legally anonymous. He argues that children conceived via mitochondrial donation should have the right to find out the donor's identity, as they do in the UK in the case of sperm and egg donation.


"The psychological evidence to date indicates that some people conceived with donated eggs, sperm or embryos, feel it is important to know identifying information about their donors," he says. "They tend to express a number of reasons why, ranging from wanting to thank the donor, wanting to find other siblings, or because it matters that they have any genetic tie to their donor and possibly want to meet them."


In his view, many of those interests would also potentially apply to mitochondrial donation, which, after all, uses part of the eggs from a donor. In particular, there may be reasons that are not just about the genetic connection, and the quantity of genes passed on. "Based on what we know about people's motivations for wanting to contact their donor, the fact that a mitochondrial donor gave someone a life free of a terrible disease is likely a good reason for the donor-conceived person to want to contact them."

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Decades of research on new forms of families suggests that children are far more flexible about issues like their biological origins and genetic-relatedness than was previously thought. Open communication with the child about their origins, and being donor-conceived, has also been shown to be very important for their wellbeing.


A longitudinal study by the University of Cambridge Centre for Family Research followed up children born through egg donation from infancy to adulthood. It investigated a range of questions about their wellbeing, identity and relationships, such as how they felt when they learned about their biological origins and the quality of their relationship with their mothers (who used donated eggs to have them). Findings from the most recent phase of the study, published in 2023 and based on research done when the young people reached the age of 20 showed that they had good relationships with their parents and high levels of psychological wellbeing.


Susan Golombok, professor emerita of family research and former director of the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge, who led the study, says she would expect similar findings among children born after mitochondrial donation.


"As 50% of the children's genes were from an egg donor, whereas only mitochondrial DNA comes from the egg donor in children born through mitochondrial donation, it is not expected that the children would experience psychological difficulties as a result of their method of conception," she says.


Families where mothers conceived using sperm donation offer insights into how children born from mitochondrial replacement might feel about their donors


An important finding from the study is that children born through egg donation benefit from being told about their donor conception when they are young, says Golombok. "Although the psychological implications of mitochondrial donation [might] appear to be less significant, it seems likely that these children also would benefit from openness about their conception," she adds.


Research on families created with the help of sperm donation sheds further light on the benefits of openness, and may help when it comes to envisaging how a three-person IVF baby may one day feel about their donor.


"I think it's terrific that parents who would ordinarily lose a child to mitochondrial disease now have a potential option for giving birth to a healthy child," says Nanette Gartrell, a psychiatrist and principal investigator at the National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study in the US. The study, which began in the 1980s, has followed a group of lesbian mothers who conceived children via sperm donation, and also followed the children's development and wellbeing into adulthood. Gartrell says the study's findings hold important wider lessons, for example when it comes to the issue of openness versus secrecy around donor conception.

“父母原本会因为线粒体疾病而失去孩子,现在可以选择生下健康的孩子,我认为这太棒了”,来自美国“国家纵向女同性恋家庭研究”的精神病学家兼首席研究员纳内特·加特雷尔说道。这项研究始于 20世纪80 年代,追踪了一批捐精受孕的女同性恋母亲,并追踪了孩子成年后的发育和健康状况。加特雷尔表示,研究成果积累了重要而广泛的经验,例如在供体受孕方面应该坦言相告还是保密的问题。

"Children conceived by sexual minority parents through assisted reproductive technology know about their conception from early childhood," says Gartrell. The mothers in the study, for example, were always open with their children about their origins. As adults, roughly half of the donor-conceived children in the study reported good relationships with their donors, while 20% wished for more contact.

“性少数父母通过辅助生殖技术生下的孩子从小就知道自己的身世”,加特雷尔说道。例如,这项研究中的母亲都对孩子的身世坦言相告。研究中约有一半供体受孕的儿童在成年后表示与捐献者的关系良好,20% 的人希望与捐献者有更多的联系。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Interestingly, those who had a positive relationship tended to highlight factors other than their genetic connection, such as the donor's kind personality, or the fact that they talked to each other a lot. Some participants said that looking for a resemblance was part of why they had wanted to meet their donor, while others reported a more general curiosity. One participant wrote that before meeting his donor, he felt "the mystique of unknown origins".


Based on her research and wider knowledge of the impact of secrecy versus openness on children conceived via sperm donation, Gartrell argues that openness and the opportunity to contact the donor at an age-appropriate time are more beneficial for the children than concealing it. "Human beings have a right to know their genetic origins to the extent possible," she says.


In the case of mitochondrial donation, there may also be other reasons why the child may wish to know, according to Gartrell. "Informing children of the mitochondrial donation that prevented a fatal disease is also important because this information may prove medically helpful to those children in ways that scientists are currently unaware. As a psychiatrist and researcher, I would consider this disclosure similar to informing a child that a life-saving foetal cardiac procedure was performed on them, for example."


For now, the pioneering procedure of mitochondrial donation treatment may feel like we're treading completely new ground – creating an entirely new kind of human, in a way. But as these studies on other reproductive technologies suggest, the children themselves may be far less fazed by their origins than the public. Whether and how soon the public will embrace the technique may, however, continue to vary from country to country – just as societies still show varying attitudes to standard IVF.
