Walking along Southport pier, there is no one in sight.
The only sound is of squawking seagulls swooping down from above and the waves of the tide slowly trying to come in.


The ice-cream parlours are bolted shut and in the arcade, machines ring out tunes to an empty audience, creating an eerie atmosphere.


Christmas decorations are left on the counter behind the bar in the cafe, while stock is half opened out of cardboard boxes on the floor.


The Southport Pier Pavilion, Merseyside, has been left abandoned in a mad dash like something out of an apocalypse film - and that's because the council ordered its closure last December on health and safety grounds.

默西塞德郡(Merseyside)的南港码头亭( Southport Pier Pavilion)就像世界末日电影里的场景一样,被疯狂地遗弃了——这是因为去年12月,市政委员会以健康和安全为由下令关闭它。

But five months on, there is still no sign of when life can return to the remarkable pier, which is country's second oldest.


Colin Jamieson is terrified for his family's future ( Image: Saffron Otter)

科林·贾米森为他家庭的未来深感担忧(图片来源:Saffron Otter)

I meet with Colin Jamieson, who has run two businesses on the iconic structure for 20 years.

我见到了科林·贾米森(Colin Jamieson),他在这座标志性码头上经营了两个营生,已经有20年了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One is the railway train that usually travels the length of the pier, which runs for 1km, and the other is the cafe business - which hasn't been able to operate since they had to shut up shop two weeks before Christmas due to 'ice-damage'.

一个是长达一公里的沿码头行驶的观光列车,,另一个是咖啡馆业务--由于 "冰害",他们不得不在圣诞节前两周关闭商店,因此一直无法经营。

The 67-year-old is distraught, as he employs almost all of his family on the pier, and says it is like being in lockdown but without the financial support from the Government that he previously received during Covid.


"Any company that isn't trading for six months, it's going to go bust and the staff are going to leave. It's terrifying, we have no income," he tells the Mirror.

"任何公司如果六个月不营业,它就会破产,员工就会离开。 这很可怕,我们没有收入,"他告诉《镜报》。

"The longer it goes on, it's going to kill our company.”


"I'm using what is left in the bank to keep things afloat. I have two daughters, one is 42 and the other 35.

"我正在用银行里剩下的钱来维持生计。 我有两个女儿,一个42岁,另一个35岁。

The pier was closed last December ( Image: Saffron Otter)

码头于去年12月关闭(图片:Saffron Otter)。

"They have homes and kids to look after and they aren't earning any money.


"Everyone works for me, my son-in-law works for me, the whole family works for me. They're all suffering.


"No one wants to be seen as unethical and immoral. To do this to a company, to anyone, it's not right."


Shaking his head as he struggles to comprehend what is happening, the dad-of-two adds: "I can't even find the words to describe it."

这位两个孩子的父亲在努力理解所发生的事情时摇了摇头,他补充说: "我甚至找不到词来描述它"。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

According to Colin, Sefton Council told him to remove the train last June so they could repair some damaged timbre.


Workmen set out replacing boards, and completed a full 50-foot stretch at one end.


Shutters drawn on Colin's cafe and arcade ( Image: Saffron Otter)

科林的咖啡馆和拱廊上的百叶窗(图片来源:Saffron Otter)

He says that by the November, the work had stopped, and the following month, the council ordered a full closure citing weather damage.


As per his tenancy agreement, he has to obey when it comes to health and safety.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"We were closed without any warning whatsoever," he recalls.


"This pier has been here 160 years now and it’s been rebuilt a few times along the way.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"It's had ice damage every year and this timber on it now has been down for 20 years. It has never caused any problems and it never will."


He understands the council’s need to ensure the utmost safety, but Colin argues that it is safe and wishes to work with them to see new decking laid down in stages - like the work being done on neighbouring Blackpool pier, which can be spotted in the distance.

他理解委员会需要确保最大限度的安全,但科林认为这是安全的,并希望与他们合作,看到新的甲板铺设阶段-就像在可以在远处看到的,附近的布莱克浦码头(Blackpool pier)正在进行的工作一样。

Joining Colin for a walk along the pier, you can vividly see the toll it's taking on the businessman.


They're in limbo waiting to see when they can reopen ( Image: Saffron Otter)

他们正在等待何时能够重新开业(图片:Saffron Otter)。

He shows me the locked-up cafes, ice-cream van, inside his recently refurbished cafe and bar, and turns on the arcade machines for me after opening up the shutters.


As we're there, countless visitors walk up to the pier to only have to turn back around when they're confronted with the gates.


When I point out that it's even making me feel sad to be alone on a usually bustling monument, which was visited by steamliners in its heyday and where Charlie Chaplin performed in the early 20th century, Colin admits that he finds it depressing to come and see his life’s work currently vacant.


"I've been in business for over 40 years and I’ve dealt with that much pressure in my life, it never bothers me," he says.


"But since this has happened, I've had palpitations. I didn't like to admit it, but it's medically put me in a bad way. I'm waiting for a call to discuss a heart monitor with my GP.


The now empty arcade ( Image: Saffron Otter)

现在空荡荡的游戏厅(图片:Saffron Otter)。

"There is no plan for the future anymore. I'm being held off the end of the pier on a rope."


The council say they are still awaiting survey results before any action can be taken with it being a complex job, but Colin argues it has taken far too long.


They offered up another spot in town for him to operate but he says it wouldn't have been a profitable move. At the end of his tether, Colin has submitted a compensation claim.


If the pier remains shut over its busiest period during the summer season, he estimates to lose out on roughly £600,000 turnover.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But it's not just the Jamieson family that are impacted, it's the whole town, he says, as 400,000 visitors would usually flock there for a walk in the coming months.


People say it is the main attraction of the seaside town ( Image: Colin Lane/Liverpool Echo)

人们说这是海滨小镇的主要景点(图片来源:Colin Lane/Liverpool Echo)

"It's everything about the town for the people that come here," he states.


"Every shop there at the end of the pier is losing out. Business owners are going mad about it. They're putting the town to death."


Max Wright, the manager of Wright’s Diner, located on Nevill Street, says he has been affected by the ongoing situation.

位于内维尔街的Wright 's Diner的经理马克斯·赖特(Max Wright)说,他已经受到了持续的影响。

"It's just a shame, isn't it?" the 28-year-old says.


"It diverts people, they can't really get it to us so it is affecting us. You can't get to the beach easily anymore."


A few stores down is Kim Paskin, of Southport Rock Shop. The 63-year-old says he has been met with disgruntled customers who share their aggravation when they discover the pier's closure.

沿着几家商店走,是南港岩石店(Southport Rock)的金-帕斯金(Kim Paskin)。这位63岁的老人说,当他发现码头关闭时,他遇到了一些不满的顾客,他们都很委屈。

"We have people come from all over, coach trippers, and when they arrive they’re disappointed to see it's not open," he says.


"The pier is massively important, it's one of the biggest attractions and it's better for everyone if it's open."


It is "massively important" for the town and its people ( Image: Saffron Otter)

这对小镇及其人民来说“非常重要”(图片来源:Saffron Otter)

One of those visitors is Dan, who wished not to disclose his surname, who is staying in the Pontins for four nights.


From Doncaster, South Yorkshire, the 38-year-old has fond memories of visiting Southport as a child, with the pier a big part of it.


"It looks strange being empty. We were gutted," Dan says.


"I've been coming since I was a kid. I've always loved the pier. It was going to be the first thing we did when we arrived but realised it was closed.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"What's going on?"


Aside from debate about the grand pier, which has taken over Facebook pages, another talking point of the seaside town is its sea, or lack of.


A string of TripAdvisor comments from dissatisfied visitors complain that they couldn't find it, with one writing: "Does the tide ever come in? I can't find one picture of it even over the net."


Another shared: "Beach is clean but where is the sea ?? We went to the end of the pier and still no sea."

另一位分享说: "海滩很干净,但海在哪里?我们走到了码头的尽头,还是没有海。"

Some visitors moan that you cannot always see the sea at Southport ( Image: Saffron Otter)

一些游客抱怨说,在南港不能一直看到海(图片:Saffron Otter)。

While I could barely make it out when I first arrived late morning, local Terry O’Toole says I've got lucky, as it glides to the shore behind us.

上午晚些时候我刚到这里,几乎什么也看不清,当地人特里·奥图尔(Terry O 'Toole)说我很幸运,因为潮水就在我们身后慢慢涌到了岸边。

The 72-year-old walks along the strip, and usually the pier, three or four times a week.


"It [the sea] is in now but you might not see it again for three weeks," he laughs.


Like others I've heard from today, he echos the importance of the pier and its place at the centre of the town's identity.


"It's the main thing in the town," Terry says. "It's the first place people head to and always have done.


"It looks like we're still in the pandemic now."


Terry, who loves to walk along the pier, likens the situation to lockdown ( Image: Saffron Otter)

特里喜欢沿着码头散步,他把现在这种情况比作封禁(图片来源:Saffron Otter)

The pier was refurbished in 2002 at a cost of £7 million and a year later, it won the National Piers Society's prestigious "Pier of the Year" award.


Ten years later, Sefton Council outlined £3m plans to replace the wooden beams - which added to a total distance of 63 miles.

十年后,塞夫顿委员会(Sefton Council)列出了300万英镑的计划,以更换木梁--这增加了63英里的总距离。

But in December 2022, damage was caused by freezing weather, which reportedly exposed the dire state of the historic structure, turning the renovation into what looks to be a much bigger project than they set out for it to be.


Engineers advised the council to close it down, with structural surveys now taking place.


A spokesperson for Sefton Council said: "As previously stated, the survey being carried out on Southport Pier involves a thorough and intrusive assessment of the 3,600ft structure.

塞夫顿委员会的一位发言人说: "正如之前所说,在南港码头进行的调查涉及对3600英尺的结构进行彻底和侵入性的评估。

"Due to the detailed nature of this assessment and the complexity of Southport Pier's structure, the survey takes time to complete.


"However we will upxe both business owners directly and the public through our official communication channels as soon as possible.


"We appreciate this is a frustrating time for everyone but health and safety remains our priority."
