Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and a political leader who came to power during the French Revolution. Napoleon dominated European and global affairs for a decade while leading France against a series of coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived on this earth. Napoleon’s health began to deteriorate rapidly, and he reconciled with the Catholic Church. He died on 5 May 1821 at Longwood House at age 51.

拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoleon Bonaparte)是法国的一位军事和政治领袖,在法国大革命期间掌权。在拿破仑战争中,拿破仑带领法国对抗一系列联盟,在十年间主宰着欧洲和全球事务。他是地球上最伟大的领袖之一。拿破仑的健康状况迅速恶化,他与罗马天主教会和解。1821年5月5日,他在朗伍德别墅(Longwood House)去世,享年51岁。

Before his death , He was the the richest man of that era with net worth of $27 Trillion that includes tremendous amount of gold in his personal war chest.
All of us knew he was a conqueror and a Political leader, He had enormous amount of land under his name that includes 7 million Square miles of land that spread across Asia and Europe.
Some of the Possessions that he had in his lifetime were :-

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The amount of land that he had acquired and had under his name at that time was totaled to an amount of whopping - $12 Trillion US Dollars.


When Napoleon died, almost his entire wealth was confiscated by “British Empire”(Don’t know why whenever some confiscation or theft matters come why there are always Britishers :) ).
At the end, he had only around 400 grams of gold, that were taken by his followers.

拿破仑去世时,几乎他所有的财富都被“英国帝国”没收(不知道为什么每当涉及到没收或偷窃问题时,为什么总是与英国有关 :)) 。