James Pain
James Pain
G7 isn''t simply the 7 largest economies.
If it were well Canada has a smaller economy than Italy so they''d be out first.
“The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal bloc of industrialized democracies…that meets annually to discuss issues such as global economic governance, international security, and energy policy. ”
It''s started in 1975 as Group of Six which were all non-communist states. After the OPEC oil embargo there needed to be a place to discuss world problems, or at least problems facing free-market capitalist countries.
Given that China does not have as the same issues as the others in the sense that it''s not a truly capitalist open free-trading country then it doesn''t make much sense. Also it''s not democratic.
Given that Russia chopped of a bit of what many consider Ukraine, that''s not exactly democratic. (in the eyes of the other members.)
Given that India isn''t industrialised or developed to the same extent as the other countries in the group then the problems they face are not very similar.
It''s not a group of big economies it''s a group of similar countries with similar issues they wish to address and discuss together.


John Cate
Is there some reason why Italy shouldn’t be part of it?
Italy has the eighth-highest GDP of any country in the world, and two of those ahead of it, China and India, aren’t part of the G7. Italy has a higher GDP than Canada, which ranks 10th in the world, and when it was the G8 and Russia was a part of it, they rank 11th.
There’s no reason I see why Italy shouldn’t have a place at the table if it wants one. And I can understand why they would, since they’re third (at best, and then only if we factor out the departing UK) in the EU pecking order, and I doubt the EU reps really take anyone except Germany and France’s concerns all that seriously.


Xinghe Li
Why shouldn’t it be?
When G7 was first introduced in the 1980s, Italy had a higher GDP per capita than the UK. Back then Italian economy was on par with the UK, France and even Germany.
After the 1990s Italy fell behind, but even today it’s still one of the richest countries in the world with a sizable advanced economy. It’s the third largest economy within the EU (after Germany and France) and the 8th largest in the world. Of course it qualifies to be in the G7.


Andrea Squittieri
In this picture you can find the reason. Italy is the 8th biggest economy in the world according to GDP. Now you must be thinking why China and India are not part of it. Look at GDP pre Capita. India has only 2000$ and China 10.000$. Furthermore G7 it's also an alliance between Western Countries, dont'forget this!


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