Epic Games has suffered another setback as it loses its appeal against Apple''s "overbearing" App Store policies. A three-judge apxt panel says that the lower courts were correct in their ruling that keeps Apple''s distribution platform mostly status quo. However, the across-the-board decision still leaves Cupertino having to allow external payment systems – an order Apple may still try to appeal.

Epic Games再次遭遇挫折,因为它失去了对苹果“霸道”的App Store政策的上诉。一个由三名法官组成的小组表示,下级法院的裁决是正确的,该裁决使Apple的分发平台基本保持现状。然而,全面的决定仍然让苹果不得不允许外部支付系统——苹果对此可能仍会尝试上诉。

upxe (April 25): Shortly after publication an Epic Games spokesperson contacted us requesting we include a tweeted statement from CEO Tim Sweeney. Sweeney's comment seems to indicate Epic is working on an external platform for Fortnite or possibly other transactions.

发布后不久,Epic Games 发言人联系我们,要求我们加入CEO Tim Sweeney的推文声明。Sweeney的评论似乎表明Epic正在为《堡垒之夜》或可能的其他交易开发外部平台。

The US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld an early decision that Apple has not violated competition laws by booting Fortnite from the App Store. In September 2021, the lower courts ruled in Apple's favor in all but one of the 10 claims against it. The appellate panel agreed with the outcome, including the order that stated that Apple could not prevent developers from lixing to payment options outside of iOS, which was a sizable win for Epic.

美国第九巡回上诉法院维持了早期的裁决,即苹果从App Store中移除堡垒之夜并未违反竞争法。2021年9月,下级法院对针对Apple提出的10项索赔中只有一项作出了有利裁决。上诉法院同意判决,包括声明苹果不能阻止开发者链接到iOS之外的支付选项的命令,这对Epic来说是一个相当大的胜利。

The Ninth Circuit acknowledged that the debate about how online stores operate is essential but noted that its job was not to decide on the matter. Its focus was solely on whether the lower court came up with a just decision based on precedent, and in the panel's opinion, it had.


"There is a lively and important debate about the role played in our economy and democracy by online transaction platforms with market power," the judges wrote in their ruling. "Our job as a federal court of appeals, however, is not to resolve that debate – nor could we even attempt to do so. Instead, in this decision, we faithfully applied existing precedent to the facts."

法官在他们的裁决中写道:“关于具有市场力量的在线交易平台在我们的经济和民主中所扮演的角色,存在着一场热烈而重要的辩论。” “然而,我们作为联邦上诉法院的工作不是解决这场辩论——我们甚至不能尝试这样做。相反,在这个决定中,我们忠实地将现有先例应用于事实。”

However, further appeals are still possible. Apple told Engadget that it is considering its options for getting the ruling forcing it to allow devs to use outside payment methods overturned.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"Today's decision reaffirms Apple's resounding victory in this case, with nine of ten claims having been decided in Apple's favor," a spokesperson said. "We respectfully disagree with the court's ruling on the one remaining claim under state law and are considering further review."

一位发言人说:“今天的裁决再次证明了苹果公司在这起案件中的巨大胜利,十项索赔中有九项对苹果公司有利。” “我们恭敬地不同意法院根据州法律对剩余的一项索赔作出的裁决,并正在考虑进一步审查。”

Epic started the fight in 2020 by blatantly violating Apple's guidelines in offering Fortnite players an alternative means of making in-game purchases. Apple responded as expected by kicking the uber-popular battle royale game out of the App Store. Google followed suit shortly after, and despite the lawsuit's status in the US, moods are shifting toward more open ecosystems.

Epic在2020年开始了这场战斗,公然违反了苹果的指导方针,为堡垒之夜玩家提供了另一种进行游戏内购买的方式。正如预期的那样,苹果将这款超级流行的大逃杀游戏从App Store中移除。不久之后,谷歌也效仿了,尽管诉讼在美国进行,但人们的情绪正在转向更开放的生态系统。

Pressure from regulators outside the US might bring about more change than Epic's US lawsuit can. While US courts eventually approved Apple's motion to delay lowering the App Store restrictions on external payment systems, heat from international regulators has forced it to relax those same policies. Recent rumors also indicate that Apple might even allow sideloading in the next major upxe to iOS. Google has been placating overseas regulators similarly.

来自美国以外监管机构的压力可能会带来 比Epic在美国的诉讼所能带来的更多变化。虽然美国法院最终批准了苹果推迟降低App Store对外部支付系统限制的动议,但来自国际监管机构的热议迫使其放宽了同样的政策。最近的流言还表明,苹果甚至可能会在iOS的下一次重大更新中允许侧载(即不经过Apple Store安装APP--译注)。谷歌一直在以类似的方式安抚海外监管机构。