Though it stems from the Korean War, budae jjigae — or “army base stew,” named after the leftover United States Army rations that make it up — is a symbol of resourcefulness and survival during a time of great poverty. The fiery broth is fortified with kimchi, gochujang and an assortment of flavorful sausages. Hot dogs are common, but kielbasa, breakfast sausage and Italian sausage all lend their own special character to the final broth, so use what you like. Arrange the ingredients in the pot in sections, and don’t stir too much while cooking: The joy of eating a big, burbling budae jjigae is reaching for your favorite part of the stew. For many, it’s the Spam, both salty and sweet; for others, it’s the American-cheese-laden noodles, bouncy with chew. Serve this soul-warming stew family style, with white rice to balance its punchy flavors. (Watch the video of Eric Kim making budae jjigae here.

虽然部队火锅起源于朝鲜战争,但部队火锅(或“陆军基地炖菜”,以美国军队剩余的口粮命名)是一种在极度贫困时期的足智多谋和生存的象征。火辣辣的肉汤里加入了泡菜、辣酱和各种美味的香肠。热狗很常见,不过熏肠、早餐香肠和意大利香肠也能为最后的肉汤增添自己独特的味道,所以你喜欢用什么就用什么。把锅里的食材分成几部分,煮的时候不要搅拌太多:吃大餐最大的乐趣是守着咕嘟咕嘟的部队火锅去吃你最喜欢的那部分菜。对大多数人来说是咸甜可口的午餐肉;对另一些人来说,是美式奶酪面条,嚼起来有弹性。可以配上大米饭来中和这道温暖心灵的家庭炖菜浓厚的味道。(点击此处观看埃里克·金(Eric Kim)制作部队火锅的视频。)

Budae jjigae is a symbol of resourcefulness and survival during a time of great poverty. The fiery broth is fortified with kimchi, gochujang and an assortment of flavorful sausages.
