The Ohio senator Sherrod Brown had harsh criticism on Sunday for corporate lobbyists and Norfolk Southern, the Atlanta-based operator of the train that derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, two weeks ago while carrying toxic chemicals.

俄亥俄州参议员谢罗德-布朗(Sherrod Brown)周日对企业游说者和诺福克南方(Norfolk Southern)提出了严厉的批评,诺福克南方公司总部位于亚特兰大,两周前,一列载有有毒化学物质的火车在俄亥俄州东巴勒斯坦脱轨。

Related: ‘We just need answers’: distrust grows in Ohio town after toxic train derailment


Speaking on Sunday to CNN’s State of the unx, the Democrat said the derailment, which released toxic chemicals including the carcinogenic vinyl chloride, was an episode of “the same old story”, and that Norfolk Southern “caused it”.

这位民主党人周日在接受美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)《国情咨文》节目采访时说,这次脱轨事件释放了包括致癌物质氯乙烯在内的有毒化学物质,是 "老生常谈 "的一个插曲,是诺福克南方公司 "造成了这种情况"。

“Corporations do stock buybacks, they do big dividend checks, they lay off workers,” Brown said. “Thousands of workers have been laid off from Norfolk Southern. Then they don’t invest in safety rules and safety regulation, and this kind of thing happens. That’s why people in East Palestine are so upset.


“They know that corporate lobbyists have had far too much influence in our government and they see this as the result … These things are happening because these railroads are simply not investing the way they should in car safety and in the rail lines themselves.”


Brown said Norfolk Southern and corporate lobbyists were wholly responsible for the accident, which has caused breathing difficulties, rashes, nausea, headaches and swollen eyes, as well as killing pets and wildlife.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

“There’s no question they caused it with this derailment because … they underinvested in their employees. They never look out for their workers. They never look out for their communities. They look out for stock buybacks and dividends. Something’s wrong with corporate America and something’s wrong with Congress and administrations listening too much to corporate lobbyists. And that’s got to change.”


On Tuesday, Norfolk Southern pledged to distribute more than $1.2m to nearly 900 families and a number of businesses affected by the crash, spill and burn. A company spokesman said the financial assistance included direct payments of $1,000.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Earlier this year, the company announced $10bn in stock buybacks. Last year, it reported $3.2bn in profits.


Brown warned residents along the Ohio and Pennsylvania border to be cautious.


According to Brown, the company “made promises” to him and the community. But he said: “If they write a check to an East Palestine or Unity Township resident or people even a little farther away, never sign away your legal rights. You can accept the check, but don’t sign anything that would sign away your legal rights. That’s what companies like this do.”

据布朗说,该公司对他和社区 "做出了承诺"。但他说 "如果他们给东巴勒斯坦或团结镇的居民或甚至更远一点的人开了一张支票,永远不要签字放弃你的合法权利。你可以接受支票,但不要签署任何会剥夺你合法权利的东西。这就是像这样的公司所做的。"

He added that he was going to make sure Norfolk Southern “lives up to everything it needs to do”.

他补充说,他将确保诺福克南方公司的 "不惜一切代价"。

Brown said he had urged Joe Biden and the US transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg, to strengthen regulations surrounding worker safety, consumer protection and the environment.


“That’s my job, to push the administration and to move in Congress on … more pro-consumer, pro-worker, pro-environment … and pro-community safety laws to make sure these things don’t happen,” he said.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Republicans have criticized Buttigieg’s handling of the accident, arguing that the federal government has been too slow to respond.


In a tweet on Wednesday, Buttigieg said that the administration was restricted by certain laws on rail regulation.


“We’re constrained by law on some areas of rail regulation (like the braking rule withdrawn by the Trump administration in 2018 because of a law passed by Congress in 2015), but we are using the powers we do have to keep people safe,” he said.


That was a reference to to an Obama-era rule the Trump administration repealed, which required trains carrying highly flammable crude oil be equipped with special brakes to halt all cars at the same time.


Related: Ohio is facing a chemical disaster. Biden must declare a state of emergency | Steven Donziger

相关资讯:俄亥俄州正面临一场化学灾难。拜登必须宣布进入紧急状态 | 史蒂芬-唐兹格

Speaking to reporters, the Texas senator Ted Cruz, the ranking member on the Senate commerce, science and transportation committee, said: “I understand that the secretary is politically ambitious, and he’d like to move to government housing in Washington right up the street” – a reference to the White House, for which Buttigieg ran in 2020 – “but he does have a job to do.


Buttigieg, Cruz said, “should focus on addressing the enormous challenges we have on our railways, with multiple derailments where the secretary has been awol”.

克鲁兹说,布蒂吉格 "应该集中精力解决我们的铁路面临的巨大挑战,在部长擅离职守的情况下发生了多次脱轨”。

The Ohio senator JD Vance and Marco Rubio of Florida wrote to Buttigieg, demanding “information from the US Department of Transportation regarding its oversight of the United States’ freight train system and, more generally, how it balances building a safe, resilient rail industry across our country in relation to building a hyper-efficient one with minimal direct human input”.awol”.

俄亥俄州参议员JD Vance和佛罗里达州的Marco Rubio写信给布蒂吉格,要求 "美国交通部提供有关其对美国货运列车系统的监督的信息,更广泛地说,它如何在全国范围内建立一个安全、有弹性的铁路行业,与建立一个直接人力投入最少的高效铁路行业之间取得平衡”。