Dev Soni
There are many things that foreigners may find surprising or hard to believe about the United States until they come here and see them for themselves. Some examples include:
. The size and scale of the country: The United States is a large country with diverse landscapes, from the mountains and deserts of the West, to the vast forests and prairies of the Midwest, to the bustling cities and beaches of the East Coast.
. The diversity of the population: The United States is a melting pot of different cultures, ethnicities, and languages, and this is reflected in the diverse neighborhoods and communities found in cities and towns across the country.
. The abundance of fast food and convenience stores: The United States is known for its fast food chains and convenience stores, which can be found on almost every street corner.
. The gun culture: The United States has a unique culture around guns, with a constitutional right to bear arms, which is different from many other countries.
These are just a few examples, but there are many other things that foreigners may find surprising or hard to believe about the United States until they come here and experience them for themselves.
