Last weekend’s Miss Universe pageant was embroiled in controversy amid allegations that the competition was rigged in favor of Miss USA, R’Bonney Gabriel, who ultimately won the competition.

上周末的环球小姐选美比赛陷入了争议,有人指控比赛被操纵,有利于美国小姐邦尼·加布里埃尔(R 'Bonney Gabriel),她最终赢得了比赛。

Emily Austin, a sports commentator who served as a judge for the pageant, told Fox News Digital the accusations are "infuriating."

一名体育解说员,曾担任选美比赛评委的评论员艾米丽·奥斯汀(Emily Austin)告诉福克斯新闻数字频道,这些指控是“令人愤怒的”。

"Being a judge, nobody would know more than me that it was completely not rigged," Austin said.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

The Miss Universe organization also addressed allegations that the competition was rigged in order to crown Gabriel Miss Universe.


The final three contestants react during the 71st Miss Universe pageant, in New Orleans on Saturday, Jan. 14, 2023. From left are Miss Venezuela Amanda Dudamel, Miss USA R'Bonney Gabriel and Miss Dominican Republic Andreína Martínez. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

2023年1月14日星期六,第71届环球小姐选美比赛在新奥尔良举行,最后三名选手在比赛中的反应。左起分别是委内瑞拉小姐Amanda Dudamel,美国小姐R'Bonney Gabriel和多米尼加小姐Andreína Martínez。

"The false rigging allegations are absurd and distract from the incredible milestones our organization and the delegates experienced this weekend," the organization said in a statement obtained by Fox News Digital.


Austin said Gabriel was chosen because she was "very well-spoken" and "beautiful."


Many social media users did not agree with the choice, though. Austin said she received social media criticism that it was "clear" Miss USA won because many of the judges were American.


Gabriel's victory at the Miss USA pageant also sparked controversy with many of the 28-year-old Houston native's fellow contestants stating that they believed she was the beneficiary of "favoritism." Many contestants walked off the stage after Gabriel's win without congratulating her, breaking with beauty pageant tradition.


R'Bonney Gabriel is the 71st Miss Universe Beauty Pageant winner. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

R'Bonney Gabriel是第71届环球小姐选美大赛冠军。

For her part, Gabriel denied the accusations in an October interview with E! News, telling the outlet that the pageant was "not rigged."


"I would never enter any pageant or any competition that I know I would win," Gabriel said. "I have a lot of integrity."


Austin also said she has received criticism over the fact that a contestant from Russia was allowed to participate in the Miss Universe pageant.


"Where are your morals?" one social media user asked Austin.


Miss USA R'Bonney Gabriel, back to camera, is hugged by other contestants after being crowned Miss Universe at the 71st Miss Universe pageant, in New Orleans on Saturday, Jan. 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

2023年1月14日,在新奥尔良举行的第71届环球小姐选美比赛上,美国小姐R'Bonney Gabriel(背对镜头)在加冕环球小姐后被其他选手拥抱。

But, as a judge for the pageant, Austin said she had no oversight into who participated, and was instructed to "take her country off of her dress."


"We really put our biases to the side," Austin said.


Ukraine’s contestant for Miss Universe, Viktoria Apanasenko, told The Daily Beast it was "terribly painful" to be at the pageant alongside Miss Russia. "I am more than grateful to Miss Universe for their support, but I am not sure the organizers understood what it felt like for me to be standing and smiling on the same stage with Miss Russia who was wearing a red dress, the color of blood," Apanasenko said.

乌克兰的环球小姐选手维多利亚·阿帕纳申科(Viktoria Apanasenko)告诉《每日野兽》报,和俄罗斯小姐一起参加选美比赛“非常痛苦”。阿帕纳申科说:“我非常感谢环球小姐的支持,但我不确定主办方是否理解我和俄罗斯小姐站在同一个舞台上微笑是什么感觉,她当时正穿着红色连衣裙,那是血的颜色。”

Austin also questioned where to "draw the line" in terms of which countries are allowed to participate and which are not.


"I don’t think countries like Venezuela or China are any better or worse," she said. "Dictators are dictators so where do you draw the line of what countries participate and which don’t?"
