Why do all my history books divide Chinese history after the Han dynasty?


I will be teaching middle school World History this year. I surveyed seven different textbooks from different publishers and notice, unlike all other histories of other regions in the world, Chinese history is covered in two different parts of the books, e.g.:


Chapter 22-25: Chinese ancient times to the Han dynasty.
Chapter 26-35: Ancient Greece, Classical Greece, Roman Republic, Roman Empire, various Islamic kingdoms, and various African Empires.
Chapter 36-38: Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties.
Remaining chapters: Medi Europe.

第22-25章: 中国古代至汉代。
第26-35章: 古希腊、古典希腊、罗马共和国、罗马帝国、各伊斯兰王国和各非洲帝国。
第36-38章: 隋、唐、宋、元、明、清。
其余章节: 中世纪欧洲。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Since this split appears in all of the textbooks, there must be some significance for splitting the history there. What is the likely logic behind dividing Chinese history at the Han dynasty?
