I agree with the guy that said that the "Japanese perfectionism" gets in the way of English learning. When I was an exchange student in Hokkaido many years back I noticed that the fear of failure and the need to do things perfectly (even though you are a beginner) was very strong in the Japanese students I befriended. I sat in on my friend's English class where the Canadian teacher really tried his best to make the students comfortable enough to try and say even just a few sentences, but nobody wanted to speak in front of the others. Everyone was too afraid of making mistakes in pronunciation, afraid of looking stupid infront of the teacher and others in the class. The problem with language learning is that you kinda have to make mistakes in order to get better. Then there's also the big issue of using Katakana to learn English. The Japanese alphabets cannot be used to correctly translate the sounds used in English and yet they still use it when learning. It would be better if they started learning English in kindergarten together with the ABCs.
