Ryosuke Yokoe
Yes, they are. And I’m the prime example of this phenomenon.
I grew up in Tokyo under Japanese parents until I reached the age of 19 and moved to the United Kingdom. I was there until I turned 28 last year and I returned home to Japan.


And, boy, I’ve come back basically functionally illiterate. Not only did I never read or write Japanese in the UK but I also didn’t have any Japanese friends, so the only time I ever used the language was when I called my parents once every month or two.
When I came back home every Christmas to visit my parents, I struggled to produce some basic expressions when talking to store clerks in the first couple of days.

I could still read and understand most kanji, but no longer could I write most of the ones I learned as a child. I struggle to write basic, everyday words like 許諾 (consent) and 承認 (approval) at my job. It even took me about a week to be able to write my new address without checking my national ID after I arrived.
我仍然可以阅读和理解大部分汉字,但我已经不能再写我小时候学的大部分汉字了。在我的工作中,我很难写出一些基本的日常词汇,比如“許諾” (同意)和“承認” (批准)。我甚至花了大约一周的时间,才能在抵达后不查看国籍身份证明的情况下写下我的新地址。

Japanese is one of these languages that you have to write by hand every day to preserve your literacy. Because so many people nowadays do everything on their phones and laptops, a lot of professional workers sometimes struggle to write certain characters (although not to the same extent as someone like me).


This is more an aspect of Japanese culture than the language, but Japanese society has a tendency to shame people who don’t possess ‘basic’ or ‘common sense’ skills and knowledge. It’s not that uncommon for people to be chastised when they can’t write even difficult expressions on the go.
