The only difference between a poor person and a richperson is a big pile of money.


That's it. That's the Secret. Money.
Look. I grew up poor. I went to a private college with a lot of rich people. And then I transitioned from poor to middle class as an adult. So I've had close experiences with most of the major socioeconomic classes.
There is no special mindset keeping the rich rich or the poor poor. There is nothing special, at all, about the thinking of rich people, just as there is nothing limiting about the thinking of poor people.
It's money. Money money money.


I've known rich people who don't touch drugs. I've known rich people who never saw a drug they didn't like. More than a few got expelled for dealing or substance abuse (in the presence of police -- yeah he was an idiot).
I've known very smart rich people. I've known rich people who could barely write a sentence (and I've edited their papers).
I've known rich people who charted out all of their academic and career goals years ahead. I've known rich people who waited until the last minute to do anything at all.
I've known very frugal rich people. I've known rich people who spent money like water.
I've known ambitious rich people. I've also met some rich people who were lazy beyond belief.
And on and on.
The same goes for poor people too, by the way. No one is special here.


And before anyone says “well you're dealing with rich kids, rich adults are much wiser,” no. Because I've met their parents. Had sleepovers at their houses. Dinners and nights out and long drives to the Hamptons. Lots of time for conversation and observation.

在任何人说“好吧,你打交道的是有钱人家的孩子,有钱的成年人要聪明得多”之前,不。 因为我见过他们的父母。在他们家过夜。吃晚餐和夜晚外出,长途驱车前往汉普顿。 有很多时间进行交谈和观察。

They're not any different. Just people, with the same strengths and weaknesses as anyone else. Friendly! Most of them, anyway. Kind! I can say that most of them never intentionally made me feel lesser or anything. But I can say that the same for most poor people I've met too. Soooo…

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Rich person buys a latte and a movie ticket “ooh they must be thinking 20 moves ahead ooh maybe they're invested in Starbucks and AMC ooh is this a new trend oooh rich mindset strikes again.”
Poor person buys a latte and a movie ticket “look at that stupid pleb wasting their money on consumerism, this is why they're poor, they lack the proper mindset.
Rich person goes to college “wow look at that bright young person bettering themselves through higher education. We could all learn from their thirst for knowledge.”
Poor person goes to college “what a fucking moron, wasting money on all of that useless book learnin' when they know damn well that there ain't no book lamps in the mines. This is why poor people are poor -- bad habits! They should've invested in a mop and started mopping floors for a nickel a day; that's what Buffet did and look at him now…”

有钱人买了一杯拿铁咖啡和一张电影票。(别人在想)“哦,他们一定提前想了20 步,也许他们投资了星巴克和 艾姆希(译注:咖啡胶囊)哦,这是一种新趋势,哦哦,有钱人的心态又来了。”
有钱人上大学。(别人在想)“哇,看看那个聪明的年轻人通过高等教育提高了自己。 我们可以从他们对知识的渴望中学到东西。”
穷人上大学。(别人在想)“真是个该死的白痴,把钱浪费在所有那些没用的书上,,因为他们深知矿场里没有书灯。 这就是为什么穷人穷的原因——坏习惯! 他们应该买个拖把,开始每天为了一美分拖地; 巴菲特就是这么做的,现在看着人家(的成就)……”

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处