Alisha Talks
We now live in an individualistic, independently-driven society.


Unlike our ancestors, who fought for their mate and married young to carry the bloodline, our primary goals have now changed.


Many people want to thrive on their own, to travel, spend, and have the freedom that they deserve. For some, relationships may be stressful and anxiety-inducing.

许多人想靠自己茁壮成长,去旅行、消费,并拥有他们应得的自由。 对某些人来说,人际关系可能会带来压力和焦虑。

Being in a relationship isn't necessarily doom and gloom, but I can assume that the fear of being weighed down, still exists. Some may see it as a distraction, or that they've found the right person but wrong timing.

恋爱不一定是厄运和悲观,但我认为对被关系压垮的恐惧仍然存在。 有些人可能会认为这是一种干扰,或者他们找到了合适的人但却是错误的时间。

Secondly, being in a relationship doesn't define your worth or success.


Plus, relationships are hard! They require patience, sacrifice, commitment, trust, respect and understanding your needs, and your partner's.

另外,维护关系很难! 这需要耐心、牺牲、承诺、信任、尊重和理解您和您的伴侣的需求。

Those decent people? They're busy trying to build and become the best version of themselves. There's no wrong in that.

那些体面的人? 他们正忙于努力打造并成为最好的自己。 这没有错。

Whether you're 20, 30, or even 60 — don't rush into a relationship because you're afraid of being single forever.

无论你是 20 岁、30 岁,还是 60 岁——不要因为害怕永远单身而急于谈恋爱。

Wait and be with the right person forever. Don't rush, and end up in a bad relationship, resulting in a horrible break-up.

等待,永远和对的人在一起。 不要急于求成,最终陷入一段糟糕的关系,导致可怕的分手。