James Meszaros
When I first met my wife I thought she was crazy beautiful. I was not, however, in love with her. I didn’t know her but saw her from afar. To me she was like beautiful art. Truly gorgeous.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Then I got to know her. We became best friends first. No sexual relationship. Just friends. I then learned that she was truly beautiful inside also. This is why I began to fall in love with her. It was not because of her looks, it was because of the person she is.


So now we have been married for 27 years. Perhaps she is not as physically beautiful as she was back then. She is, however, even more beautiful inside. We have grown to love one another more and more each day.


So I ask you, with this love, what is it about being old, wrinkled and grey, would change her beauty inside? I will answer my own question… nothing.. absolutely nothing.


Note: As to the physical changes, my wife has a few laugh lines around her eyes (some call them wrinkles but to me they are laugh lines). I have made her laugh and laugh for 30 years now. Those little lines are my trophies. I worked hard to create them. I tried my best to keep her laughing and smiling while knowing she is loved more and more. I would be heartbroken if she got plastic surgery to get rid of them! I can honestly say I am looking forward to the point in our lives when we are both so old and wrinkly that we both insist on keeping the lights out during love making! (okay… this is a joke! I will always want to look into her eyes!)
