一、 Why couldn't the last Byzantine Emperor survive?

Quinten Roald Stärk
Because he didn't want to.
Constantine XI was a man braver than most, he had ample opportunity to flee but he remained. He wanted to be victorious or go down with his empire.


The eastern Roman emperor died fighting alongside his soldiers earning the respect of both his subjects and his enemies for sultan Mehmet II had great respect for the emperor.
Had he fled he would have been a coward in both the eyes of the world and in the eyes of God for he believed to be defending His city.

二、What could the byzantine empire have done to survive longer?

The fact that so many calamities befell the Romans and still managed to exist and live on is a testament to their endurance and civilization.
But I think that there’s two major things that could have caused the empire to live longer.


1.Don’t retake the Western territories
The Emperor Justinian appointed Belisaurius to retake the western territories of the Roman Empire, and to both their credit they succeeded. The empire had reached its zenith in territory and re-enveloped the Mediterranean sea. However, history proves this venture to be a mistake. The amount of resources that it took to re-impose roman domination in the western half wasn’t worth its cost. Not only was it very expensive (it depleted Justinian’s treasury) but there was nothing really in it for them. Throughout Roman history the eastern half of the empire was always much wealthier than the western half. The western half was home to Gauls and Germanic tribes while the Eastern half had Egyptians and Greeks. So why bother conquering the other half when you already have got the better part? What’s really tragic is the fact that Roman hold on the western territories started to slip quickly after they had been conquered.


Thus, the Romans lost anything they might have gained. And had they not done this, they would have far more man-power to fight the Avars that were raiding the Balkans, the ever dangerous Persians in the east and the unified Arabs under Islam.


2. Alexios III Angelos stays and fights.
After deposing his brother and becoming Emperor, Alexios III Angelos is faced with a crusader army funded by the Venetians being led by his nephew Isaac II Angelos in 1204.
He spent lavishly and wastefully, and left the Empire’s military in a dilapidated state.
Its important to remember two other things as well in regards to the siege of Constantinople. Firstly that 80,000 Latins were murdered in 1182 under the reign of Andronikos Komnenos (so there is greater hostility between the Latin besiegers and the Greek populace) and that the defenses of Constantinople were the strongest in the world.


Despite ample motivation Alexios III’s response to the enemy so close to the gates is pathetic. He assembles his men and decides to fight the crusaders but he turns craven and returns to the city. His courtiers demand he take action, which he does, by leaving the city in the night with one of his daughters and a mistress.
Constantinople is then easily taken by his nephew, but because of the difficulties he encounters is sacked so horribly that it permanently stunts and damages the city and the whole empire.
If Alexios III had the courage to stand up and fight to defend his empire and power, he may have crushed the crusaders and spared Constantinople its terrible fate.

三、Why was the Byzantine Empire able to last over a thousand years?

Great question and I see a number of great answers!
The Byzantine Empire survived for so long based on a number of factors. The first being their position and geography. Their eastern territories were always exposed and it was a constant struggle to maintain them. However their greek possessions, protected by the sea- were easily defendable. Many would-be conquerers were able to steamroll over Anatolia only to find themselves held up at the sea.


The Byzantine military was also a feared force. While they were no longer the dominant world superpower- their standardized infantry with their heavy shock cavalry enabled them to stand toe to toe with any great power of the time. Their cataphract calvary were fast-moving, heavily armored, and deadly. You can think of them like a faster medi knight. These well-trained troops could break enemy formations and redeploy all easily on the battlefield.


Communicated lines were also key. The Byzantines utilized a system of large fires to alx the emperor in times of invasion. Within mere hours of an invasion in Anatolia, the emperor could be made aware and dispatch forces.


In reality, the Byzantines did really struggle though. They were under constant attack and over time they lost more and more territory. Losing Anatolia was a huge loss to the empire- for much of their manpower and tax revenue came from this region. They were able to hang on a little longer but never able to recapture their former glory. Eventually defending their greek possessions became impossible as their small military could not hope to match the Ottoman’s might. They were reduced to a city- and then to nothing at all.


There were also a series of capable and skilled emperors that took up the purple and won glorious wars against Rome’s enemies. The most notable among them was Justinian who was able to recapture Italy, Spain, and North Africa for a short time. That being said there were many inept emperors as well who squandered Byzantine recourses, greatly weakening an already vulnerable empire.


One huge and overlooked factor is the crusades. The first 3 crusades allowed the Byzantines to recapture Anatolia and even Armenian territories. This bolstered the empire for decades and although this conquest would not last it allowed them to regain their footing.
In the end though nothing would last. Plagues, near-constant war, economic issues, and loss of manpower compounded and left the empire weak. But the fact they lived on so long is an amazing feat.
