The Indian education system is often criticised because it hasn't changed in the past 70 years. In 2020 the government of India announced NEP ( New Education Policy) under which the government plans to bring considerable changes to the Indian education system. The Indian education system is currently making the children intellectually bankrupt and because our education system has given birth to cut-throat unhealthy competition, this is a serious concern. The unhealthy competition in the Indian education system has resulted in depression among students, serious anxiety issues, social pressure and much more as a result of which many students commit suicide. A lot of students end their lives because of the pressure built by the Indian education system. This video talks about the Dark Side of the Indian education system, the video highlights several points which make it clear how poorly our education system is run, what changes should we bring and most importantly how one can focus on their skills to earn money rather than just depending on a piece of paper or degree to make money in their lives. Earning money today has nothing to do with a college degree but has everything to do with the skills that help one make money. The video highlights the dark side of the education system, the issues revolving around our education system and the remedies that people can take at individual levels to fightback the Indian education system and earn money.
