
In America there can be significant geographic 'gaps' when it comes to people, particularly young people, keeping up with the latest styles. If you watch the movie 'Napoleon Dynamite', the young people are 10 to 15 years behind the times when it comes to fashion, and they have absolutely no clue. People from that part of the country (Idaho, Montana, etc.) have told me it's exactly like that. Or at least it was in the 1990s when the movie was made. It's gotten a lot better (but not completely so) in recent years thanks to the internet.

(在意美国人)在美国,说到人们(特别是年轻人)追赶最新风潮,在不同地域间可能会存在明显的 “差距”。如果你看过电影《大人物拿破仑》,这帮子年轻人在时尚方面落后于时代10到15年,他们在这方面完全没有概念。来自那些地区(爱达荷州、蒙大拿州等)的人告诉我,情况正是如此。至少,在这部电影拍出来的时候(译注:本片完成于2004年),那里还停留在二十世纪九十年代。近年来,多亏了互联网,情况已经大为改善了(但也不完全是如此)。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm from Los Angeles. I moved to Las Vegas when I was in my 20s and after a couple weeks I thought "why does it feel like it's five years ago?" I then realized it was because of how young people were dressed. They were five years 'behind' L.A., and Las Vegas isn't some little country town! I could go on, but I hope you guys get the idea.


What about in your country? There doesn't seem to be such a geographic gap here in Italy, as far as I can tell. But then I'm not exactly the New York Times fashion critic.
