As an American I believe that those who brags about the USA being the greatest country in the world are the ones who have never really seen the rest of the world. Don’t get me wrong, I love this country. But I’m tired of patriotic Americans shouting constantly that we are the greatest nation on earth. We are not. I travel extensively for work and I think anyone else who has also seen the world will probably agree - we are quite far from being the greatest. This may be hard for some to swallow, but it’s about time we realized this and started working on making America great again. We are now a global joke. Let’s admit that our country needs work instead of being arrogant and proud. Don’t be blinded by patriotism.
EDIT: well this got a lot more attention than I thought it would. Some hateful comments as expected - I apologize if I ruined your morning. Please know that I love this country. And for those asking, where I would rather be, the answer is nowhere! Every time I fly back I’m grateful to call the United States home. The point of this was not start debate about what the greatest country is. But for us Americans to realize that there is a lot wrong here and needs fixing. Americans are the loudest to shout “greatest country in the world!”, but our country is slowing down and others are catching up. It’s time we all realized that in my opinion. Stay safe everyone, and thank you for taking the time to read my post!

作为一个美国人,我相信那些吹嘘美国是世界上最伟大的国家的人,是那些从来没有真正看过世界其他地方的人。别误会我,我爱这个国家。但是我已经厌倦了美国人不停地说我们是世界上最伟大的国家。 我们不是。我经常出差,我想任何一个见过世面的人都会同意——我们离最伟大还差得远呢。 这可能会让一些人难以接受,但是我们是时候意识到这一点了,并开始努力让美国再次伟大起来。 我们现在成了全球的笑柄。让我们承认吧,我们的国家需要努力工作,而不是骄傲自大。不要被爱国主义蒙蔽了双眼。
编辑:这帖子比我想象的引起了更多的关注。 一些充满仇恨的评论如我所料——如果我毁了你的早晨,我向你道歉。 请相信我爱这个国家。 对于那些问我想去哪儿的人,我的答案是哪儿也不去! 每次我飞回来,我都很高兴美国是我的家。问题的关键不是开始辩论最伟大的国家是什么。 单对于我们美国人来说,需要意识到仍然有很多问题需要解决。美国人是最大声喊“世界上最伟大的国家! ” 但是我们的国家正在放缓,其他国家正在迎头赶上。 在我看来,我们是时候都应该意识到这一点了。 大家保重,谢谢你们花时间看我的帖子!