Parambir Singh, a high-profile officer with a swashbuckling reputation, had been elevated to head the 45,000-strong force barely two years ago.


Now, Mr Singh, 59, was unavailable at office, his apartment in Mumbai and his family home in the northern city of Chandigarh, some 1,600km (994 miles) away.

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Even as the police launched a hunt to find one of their own, Mr Singh's family - his wife and daughter who lived with him in Mumbai and his son who is abroad - and his lawyers went silent about the officer's whereabouts.


It all began in February with a fiendishly tangled whodunit involving an SUV full of explosives which was found outside the house of Mukesh Ambani, Asia's richest man. In the following days, the body of the alleged owner of the vehicle washed up in the sea near the city - the police later determined that he had been murdered and his body was dumped in the water.

这一切都始于今年2月发生的一起凶杀案,当时亚洲首富穆凯什·安巴尼(Mukesh Ambani)家门外发现了一辆装满炸药的SUV汽车。接下来的几天,据称车主的尸体被冲到了城市附近的海里,警察后来断定他是被谋杀的,并且尸体被抛入了水中。
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Things turned murkier when a police officer reportedly known to the dead man was arrested. Investigators believe Sachin Vaze, an assistant inspector with the elite crime branch, was part of plans to park the car with explosives outside Mr Ambani's house and also in the murder of the vehicle owner. Mr Vaze has denied the allegations.

当报道称一名与死者相识的警察被捕后,事情变得更加扑朔迷离。调查人员认为,精英犯罪分支的助理督察萨钦·瓦兹(Sachin Vaze)参与了将装有炸药的汽车停在安巴尼家门外的计划,并参与了谋杀车主的行动。Vaze否认了这些指控。

In March, Mr Singh was removed from his position and moved to head Maharashtra's - of which Mumbai is the capital - home guards, a poorly-resourced force which assists the police. In Indian media-speak, Mr Singh had been "shunted" to a rather unglamorous department.


"This is not a routine transfer. Being the head of Mumbai police, serious mistakes have been made by officers working at the police commissioner's office. These mistakes are serious and that's why he has been transferred," the state's then interior minister, Anil Deshmukh, said. It was never made clear what these errors were.

“这不是一次常规的调任。他作为孟买警察局长,并且警察局长的办公室的工作人员犯了严重的错误。这些错误十分严重,所以他被调职了,”当时的内政部长阿尼尔·德什穆克(Anil Deshmukh)说。从未明确说明这些错误是什么

Mr Singh joined his new job in mid-March in a modest office barely a few kilometres away from his earlier workplace, which is located in an Anglo-Gothic heritage building in the heart of the city. Almost immediately after, he shot off a letter to the government, accusing Mr Deshmukh, his boss, of extortion and corruption. Again, no evidence was provided.

辛格于3月中旬加入他的新工作,在离他早期工作场所仅几公里远的一个简陋的办公室里,该工作场所位于市中心的一座英哥特式遗产建筑内。几乎紧接着,他就向政府递交了一封信,指责他的上司德什穆赫敲诈勒索和腐败。同样,没有提供任何证据。In the letter addressed to Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, the officer accused Mr Deshmukh of ordering Mr Waze to collect millions of dollars in bribes from the city's bar owners and

hoteliers, who struggle to comply with a thicket of regulations.

在写给首席部长Uddhav Thackeray的信中,他指控德什穆赫命令瓦兹向该市的酒吧老板和酒店经营者收取数百万美元的贿赂,这些老板很难遵守错综复杂的法规。
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Mr Deshmukh denied the allegations, but was forced to resign in early April. A federal financial investigation agency now began probing Mr Deshmukh and summoned him five times for questioning. In November, the former minister himself was arrested. Alluding to Mr Singh, he said: "The one who accused me has run away abroad".


Meanwhile, in May, Mr Singh proceeded on medical leave, and got his leave extended twice.


And then he vanished.


At Mr Singh's residence in a high-rise building in the city's upscale Malabar Hills neighbourhood, his wife and daughter have not spoken about his whereabouts. His lawyer Anukul Seth declined to comment when approached by the BBC. News networks have breathlessly speculated that the officer had "fled" abroad - one said he was in Russia; the other reported he was safely ensconced in Belgium.

在辛格的位于孟买高档马拉巴尔山(Malabar Hills)社区的一栋高层建筑住所中,他的妻子和女儿没有透露他的行踪。当BBC采访他时,他的律师Anukul Seth拒绝发表言论。新闻媒体纷纷猜测,这名官员已经“逃”到国外——其中一人说他在俄罗斯;另一份报告称他被安全安置在比利时。

"We are searching for him. As a government officer, he can't go abroad without government clearance… If he goes away, then it's not good," the new interior minister, Dilip Walse Patil, told reporters.

“我们正在找他。作为一名政府官员,他不能在没有政府许可的情况下出国……如果他离开了,那就不好了。新任内政部长迪利普·沃尔斯·帕蒂尔(Dilip Walse Patil)告诉记者说
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The Maharashtra government has set up a panel, headed by a retired judge, to probe the case. Mr Singh is now facing four criminal cases of extortion filed by realtors, hoteliers and bookies. Mr Deshmukh, his ex-boss, has not been charged yet and has been remanded in custody until 12 November.

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What has further muddied the waters is Mr Singh's refusal to turn up for questioning when summoned by the panel. Instead, through his lawyers, he filed a petition in the court challenging the probe itself. His lawyers told the court the fact that Mr Singh was communicating with the panel indicated that he was not fleeing the law.


Clearly, too little is still known about the case. Is there any connection with the case involving the explosives-laden car? What prompted Mr Deshmukh to remove Mr Singh from office? Why did Mr Singh disappear after making serious allegations against his minister? Why is Mr Singh not appearing in front of the panel investigating the case?


There are no answers yet.


A masters in sociology, Mr Singh, born to a bureaucrat father and a homemaker mother, was known as an outgoing officer. He kept fit and played cricket. In his four-decade-long career, he took on Maoist rebels in rural districts and gangland bosses in the city. In one of his earlier postings in Mumbai in the 1990s, Mr Singh worked with a team of officers to clean up the underworld. At the time, India's richest city was being suffocated by gang wars, extortion and kidnappings.


He shot to limelight by working with "encounter policemen" - controversial crack shots belonging to a unique, unofficial policing system - to weed out gangsters who often held businessmen and film actors and producers to ransom. S Hussain Zaidi, a journalist who has chronicled crime in the city, wrote that Mr Singh along with another senior officer were "assigned the task of wiping out the underworld from the city" and the two "formed three elite encounter squads" for the job.

他通过与“遭遇警察”(一种独特的、非官方的警察系统中有争议的神枪手)合作,清除经常挟持商人、电影演员和制片人勒索赎金的歹徒,一举成为公众关注的焦点。S侯赛因扎伊迪(S Hussain Zaidi)是一位记录该市犯罪情况的记者,他写道,辛格和另一名高级官员被指派“清除城市中的黑社会”,两人为此“组成了三个精英突击队”。

Mr Singh is due to retire next year when he turns 60. "I am very much in India and have not left the country," Mr Singh told a journalist who spoke to him on the phone in August.


Except his own force doesn't appear to know why he has not come forward, nor where he is.
