
American Olympic swimming medalists Gary Hall Sr. and Gary Hall Jr. sounded off on "Hannity" Tuesday following report of a proposal to potentially redesign the U.S. Olympic Committee's U.S. flag logo.

美国奥运游泳奖牌获得者 Gary Hall Sr. 和 Gary Hall Jr. 在周二“汉尼提直播秀”节目中,关于一项可能重新设计美国奥委会美国国旗logo标志的提议,他们力陈己见。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hall Sr. won Silver medals in the 1968 Mexico City, 1972 Munich and 1976 Montreal Olympiads, while his son won Golds in the 1996 Atlanta, 2000 Sydney and 2004 Athens games.

老霍尔先后在 1968 年墨西哥奥运会、1972 年慕尼黑奥运会和 1976 年蒙特利尔奥运会比赛中获得银牌,而他的儿子在 1996 年亚特兰大、2000悉尼 年和 2004 年雅典奥运会上均获得金牌。

Hall Jr. declared that "Old Glory doesn't need rebranding," and added that the USOC could have and should have better allocated its resources rather than, potentially, to an agency or consultant if any were involved in the logo redesign plans.

Hall Jr. 宣称“昔日的荣耀不需要重新设计”,并补充说美国奥委会USOC本可以也应该更好地分配资源,而不是潜在地分配给参与徽标logo重新设计计划的机构或顾问。

"What irritates me out of this whole thing is that there is some marketing or branding firm out there that has already been paid a lot of money for these drafts even and these resources, couldn't they be better applied by supporting our athletes or giving it to an anti-doping agency to catch cheaters?" he asked.

“这件事让我感到恼火的是,有些营销或品牌公司甚至已经为这些草案和人力资源支付了很多钱,难道不能通过支持我们的运动员或把它给反兴奋剂机构来抓作弊者以更好地应用它们吗?” 他问。

"The greatest honor of my life was in Montreal in 1976 when I was sexted to carry the American flag for the U.S. Olympic team leading into Montreal Stadium," Hall Sr. said. "And the American flag is iconic. It doesn't just represent the greatest country in the world. It represents and symbolizes millions of Americans who have worked hard, who have sacrificed, some of them, with their own lives."

“我一生中最大的荣誉是 1976 年在蒙特利尔,当时我被选为带领美国奥运代表队进入蒙特利尔体育场的美国旗手,”Hall Sr. 说。“美国国旗是美国的象征。它不仅代表世界上最伟大的国家。它代表并象征着数百万辛勤工作的美国人,代表着用自己的生命牺牲了的美国人。”
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Halls also mentioned another family hero, Hall Jr.'s cousin – a Navy SEAL who was killed in action in Iraq in 2016.


"No one has the right to change that other than U.S. Congress, and to me, it's disrespectful to even consider changing the American flag," Hall Sr. continued.


In response to host Sean Hannity's coverage of the story on Monday, USOC spokeswoman Kate Hartman said the imagery featured on "Hannity" "was one of many concepts being brainstormed as part of a branding logo upxe for the USOPC."

美国奥委会发言人凯特·哈特曼(Kate Hartman)在回应主持人肖恩·汉尼提(Sean Hannity)周一对该事件的报道时表示,“汉尼提”上的图片“是作为美国奥委会品牌标识更新的一部分,是集思广益的众多概念之一。”
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"We want to be clear that we love our country and respect the American flag. We do not have any intention, not to mention the authority, to change our country’s flag that flies above the podium when a member of Team USA achieves Olympic or Paralympic greatness," Hartman concluded.


In addition, Hannity said the rebranding is a "waste of time" and pointed to sports like the NHL where fans took over national anthem duties, as an example of support for keeping the logo as-is.
