Some notes from my journal, from that visit to China:

At dinner with 爷爷, he looked at me and said, 这个姑娘什么贵姓? (‘What is this girl’s last name,’ or more properly, ‘What family is this girl from?’)

Later we asked him how old he was, and he said 95. How many children did he have? Three. What were their names? Xiaojiang, Xiaobing, Xioaer. Xiaosan. Then my aunt asked, So how many children is that? Isn’t that four? Do you have any other children, or is that it? (He’d forgotten his fifth child, his eldest daughter.)


At dinner I watched 奶奶 break open a crab shell and spoon the yellow yolk on to bread for 爷爷, very quietly, while everyone else was talking. Jostling his elbow so he’d look down and see the bread in his hand, and methodically, unthinkingly eat it. His eyes barely open any more, I don’t know if he sees.

I realised this may be the last time I see 爷爷.
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After her birthday dinner, I spent three days interviewing my grandmother. Because she spoke in a thick dialect, my aunt had to be there to translate into standard Mandarin for me. In the evenings the three of us piled into the old, familiar bedroom across the only bathroom in the apartment, my grandmother grumbling about her hearing aids while I fiddled with the microphone. Together, we tried to cobble together some understanding of her history.

My 奶奶 was born to a landowning family in Jiangsu. Her surname was Shi, which means “stone”, a stubborn word that suited her personality. In 1944, when she was not yet 16, she renounced her class and joined the army in service of the Communist party’s cause. She had dry, sturdy hands that raised three generations of children. My cousins, relying on her long after they’d left home, would often leave their children, her great-grandchildren, in her care. She was fiery and straightforward, unpretentious to the core. On the other side of the ocean, my father often laughed at how you couldn’t trust 奶奶 to buy any clothes. One summer, in middle school, I grabbed a cigarette from her when she was playing mahjong and told her not to smoke. She laughed at me and pulled another cigarette from the packet.
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On the last day of our interviews, after I turned off the microphone, she put a hand on my wrist and started talking again. She said that in her life, she had just been an ordinary person. Not extraordinary at anything. And with a personality like a boy’s. But she’d always tried to help others. Whether she had money or not, if there was something she could do, she did it. So even though she was just a low-level cadre in the civil system, people liked her. They all came to give her greetings at New Year. She was known for being diligent at work. She wasn’t selfish. That was how she’d lived her life.


After she died, I shared the recordings of my interviews in the family WeChat group. My uncle, who had been in Indiana and was also unable to physically attend the funeral, thanked me. “I cried hearing her voice again,” he said.

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Later, he pointed out how basic my questions had been. “That interview – you don’t understand Chinese history at all, though!”
He probably didn’t realise how this hurt me, but oh, it hurt. It was another reminder of how I didn’t really “belong” with the people on the other side of the WeChat group. I had tried my best to keep up with the Chinese world, but time spent in one world was time spent away from my other one.


After I interviewed my family, I stayed in China for a month to travel around by myself for the first time. I’d gone sightseeing in the past – to the Three Gorges, to Yellow Mountain, Mount Emei, Jiuzhaigou, Xi’an – but always with family who had planned everything, bought the tickets and figured out the routes. As an adult, I had travelled alone in several foreign countries in which I’d felt confident figuring things out independently, but I still felt a sense of unease in China, like a child who doesn’t know how to take the train by herself – and this was the feeling I wanted to overcome.

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I welcomed in the new year with a friend in Nanjing. Alone, I travelled through Hangzhou and Suzhou. These days, the logistical hurdles for a tourist visiting China are complex and ever-changing. For one, everyone uses Alipay. If you have Alipay, the whole world of modern China is spread out at your feet: train tickets, taxis, bike shares, late-night food delivery. But it’s very difficult to register for Alipay as a mere tourist, and it’s getting harder and harder to use cash. I had to get around this difficulty by using my mother’s smartphone, which is lixed to her Alipay account. Because it was her identity, with her name listed, and not mine, I couldn’t use the account to buy train tickets, which have names printed. At the station, I had to line up at a separate window to get my paper tickets, instead of just scanning a code with my phone. I was acutely aware of how outside the system I was.


Once, a friend asked me: “How good are you at passing?” – that is, passing as Chinese-Chinese, not Chinese American. I wanted to pass, but like the many Asian Americans who, like me, have tried to go back to the motherland and find a place there, I could never “pass” for long.


The China I know the best is my grandparents’ China. It’s an old China, with rusty bicycles and motorcycle fumes, sweaty street vendors and dusty convenience stores where, as children, we took ice-cream from the coolers. Trains were slow, and everything could be haggled over. While travelling around by myself as an adult in the new China, I couldn’t escape the feeling that much of what I was experiencing was a novelty. I paid for groceries via QR code. In Hangzhou, I ordered by pointing at the food other people were eating. I was reminded that, despite my family connection, China was a separate world to me, and I was a tourist like so many other expats in the country.


While travelling alone, I wasn’t sure what my purpose was. I spent a lot of time in Airbnbs doing my freelance work. I had a research gig combing through recent media portrayals of China in the US to create a summary for an academic institution. I trawled through white papers describing Chinese student spies and ominous articles predicting a second cold war – abstract, alarming concepts that seemed far removed from the gentle patter of my family WeChat. The articles I read seemed to have no connection to the ordinary lives going on around me.
In the evenings I stayed in my room and read manga. I had hardly anyone to see. Most of the time I was on my own.

A year after my interviews, I did see my 爷爷 one more time. Over Christmas 2019, I found myself in China again. This time, my parents, brother, and I were paying a quick family visit before returning to the US. 爷爷’s dementia was worse. I asked after his novels, but still didn’t get my hands on any. My 奶奶 ate at a new hotpot restaurant with us in Hefei. In Shanghai, I dyed my hair blue. Three months after we returned home, the US locked down for the pandemic.
“还是想哭,” my father said in the WeChat group after my grandfather’s memorial was over. (“Still want to cry.”)
Also: “这是人生.” (“This is human life.”)

In a eulogy written after my grandfather’s death, my aunt wrote: “Father, you always wished for one of us to become a great writer. Your granddaughter is at this moment working towards that goal.” When I read it, my first reaction was resentment, that they would use my dreams of being a writer to appease my grandfather’s spirit. That after his death, the pressure on me would only increase. The pressure to honour his memory, and my grandmother’s.


I had been trying to live in two worlds: spending time in China, improving my Mandarin, learning what I could of Chinese history, of my grandparents’ pasts. Then there was my American life. Classes, jobs, money, rent, Netflix, friends, growing older. What country, what story, what character, what experience can I claim? Do I want to tell the story of my grandparents, or do I feel that, to do justice to them, I have to?


In an essay titled No Reconciliation Allowed, Said revisits the varied landscape of his childhood. He was born in Jerusalem, spent his childhood as a refugee in Egypt, was educated in elite English-language schools, before building his career in the US. “Why, I remember asking myself, could I not have had a simple background … ?” he asks, “ … all Egyptian, or all something else, and not have had to face the daily rigours of questions that led back to words that seemed to lack a stable origin?”


I will go back to China to visit my grandparents’ graves. Meanwhile, the old apartment in Hefei has been sold. When my brother and I were children, there were so many people who gathered in that apartment. Now the generations have scattered. My aunts grow greyer every year, and my cousin’s children, mostly strangers to me, will soon be teenagers. My three oldest cousins are married, and some have moved to other cities or emigrated to the US. Before, Hefei felt like the core of the family and we, the ones in the US, were the outliers, the moons in orbit around the planet. Now we are all dispersed.

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I wonder what life will be left for me in China in the future. I’ve long nursed vague plans of moving back to China to live for a few years, to get to know it better and solidify my place there. But with each year that passes in the US, such a move gets harder and harder to make. I wonder at what point I will have to choose – or if, with the passage of time, a choice was already made for me.


In her novel Revenge of the Mooncake Vixen, Marilyn Chin, whose family moved to the US from Hong Kong, writes: “Deep in her heart, she knew that each step backward would only mean regret – the vector goes in only one direction, the homing geese must find their new nest, the 10,000 diasporas will never coagulate – there was no way back to the Middle Kingdom.”
