3 Lesser-Known Empires Which Were Larger Than Alexander’s
They were not built by the Romans, Persians, Mongols, or Chinese


Golden stag with eagle head possibly belonging to the Xiongnu 4th-3rd century BCE, Shaanxi History Museum.

图:鹰头金牡鹿,可能属于公元前4 -3世纪的匈奴,陕西历史博物馆

My mother bought me several Asterix comic books when I was a child. The idea of a Gaulish village with supernatural strength keeping the Roman Empire at bay appealed to me right away. It was my first encounter with the Roman Empire. Since then, ancient and medi empires have always sparked my curiosity.
After decades, I realized many empires had escaped historians’ recognition. They are rarely honored in most history books or pop culture that is focused on history.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Julius Caesar, Alexander, Cyrus, Atilla, and Ashoka are among the ancient world’s A-list celebrity empire builders.
But what if I told you there was an Empire forged a century after Alexander, which was twice the size of his? In fact, in the ancient era, there were three empires that were larger than Alexander’s.
Imagine a tribe that was so powerful that it conquered India and Persia.
Is it possible for a ragtag group of blacksmiths to construct an empire?
This story is a tale of three underdogs deemed worthless by their families and overlords but defied the odds to forge vast empires.


They arose from the vast grasslands of the Steppes. Their exploits were repeated centuries later by another nomadic tribe, resulting in the world’s largest contiguous land empire. They were the Mongols, the dreaded Mongols.
The actions of the descendants of these three empires would alter the course of history in both Europe and Asia.
Let’s examine their rise, fall, and effect on human culture.


The Xiongnu Empire (209 BCE- 300 CE)
Xiongnu Empire at its greatest extent. Image source and licensing: Wikimedia commons Origins
At its peak, the Xiongnu empire was nearly twice the size of Alexander’s, covering nine million square miles. Mongolia and Northern China were the birthplaces of the Xiongnu Empire, the first Eurasian Steppe Empire.
We depend on Chinese sources to learn about the Xiongnu’s history and rulers since they did not have written records of their rule.
One theory suggests the Xiongnu were the descendants of China’s first dynasty, the Xia dynasty.
Although the Xiongnu’s origins are debatable, it is clear that they were a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual tribal confederation.

#1 匈奴帝国 ( 公元前209-300年 )
图:匈奴帝国最辉煌的时候 地图略

Rise to power
Bronze plaque of a Xiongnu warrior, British Museum. Image source and licensing: Wikimedia commons.
In 209 BCE, Modu became the Chanyu (Emperor) of the Xiongnu after assassinating his father Touman.
Touman didn’t want Modu to succeed him, preferring the son of another wife instead. He sent Modu to a rival tribe called the Yuezhi as a hostage. Touman then attacked the Yuezhi, hoping they will kill Modu.
But Modu fled from his captivity and trained a group of obedient followers who would carry out any order he issued. This helped him unite several feuding Xiongnu nobles, and he took power by assassinating his father and then killing other potential heirs.



This tale seems uncannily similar to Genghis Khan’s rise 1400 years later. The Xiongnu under Modu crushed their rivals, the Yuezhi, Wusun, and Donghu, who were rival nomadic kingdoms.
At the Battle of Baideng in 200 BCE, Modu ambushed and defeated the Han Chinese emperor. They forced the Chinese into a humiliating treating of providing tribute, silk, and Han princesses in marriage to the Xiongnu nobility. The silk gained from the Chinese was traded with settled civilizations in the West.
The rise of Emperor Wu of Han in 141 BCE would change the dynamics of the relationship between the Han and Xiongnu.
Decline and impact


The Han and Xiongnu fought a long war which ended with the Xiongnu’s defeat. The war had fascinating consequences, including the birth of the Silk Road, a land-based trade route that exists even today. I have covered the details of the birth of the Silk Road and the Han-Xiongnu War in another story.
The War Over Blood Sweating Horses
How a Greco-Chinese conflict gave birth to the Silk Road and changed international trade.


The Xiongnu’s influence never recovered, and later they became Han tributaries. The empire split into Northern and Southern Xiongnu. Another nomadic group called the Xianbei defeated the Northern Xiongnu and chased them to the Altai mountains. The Chinese assimilated the Southern Xiongnu into various kingdoms.
Although the Xiongnu’s power waned, their descendants, the Huns, rose a few centuries later to wreak havoc in Europe, Persia, and India.
An important impact of the Xiongnu was the construction of the Great Wall of China. To hold the Xiongnu at bay, the Chinese built the fortifications which would later become the Great Wall. And today, millions of tourists from all over the world visit this impressive ancient creation.


The Hephthalite ( White Hun) Empire ( 440 CE-570 CE)

#2 白匈奴(Hephthalite)帝国 ( 公元440 -570年 )

Mural from Balalyk Tepe depicting Hepthalite ruling class enjoying a banquet.

图:Balalyk 山丘上的壁画,描绘了白匈奴统治阶级享受宴会的情景

Atilla is the first name that comes to mind when we think of Huns. While Atilla may have been the MVP of the Hunnic Empire that controlled Europe, his lesser-known relatives, the White Huns, ruled Asia.
Procopius, a Byzantine scholar, misidentified White Huns as “Caucasian” Huns, as opposed to the Mongoloid or Turkic Huns of Europe. Hunnic color codes corresponded to their migration directions: north (black), east (blue), west (white), and red (south). Black and Blue Huns enjoyed seniority over the White and Red Huns.
While scholars disagree on the exact origins of the Huns, it is widely agreed that they were descendants of the Xiongnu.
Climate change and the emergence of the Rouran Khaganate (also known as Juan-Juan or Avar Khaganate), a proto-Mongol Empire, forced white Huns to flee.
Yup, they were the same Rourans from the film Mulan!
Breaking away from the Rouran influence, a branch of White Huns, the Hephthalites forged the largest empire of their time.

没错,他们就是电影《花木兰》中的柔然 !

Rise to power
The Hephthalites encountered their cousins the Kidarites as they moved south. The Kidarites were a White Hun state that overthrew the Kushan Empire and established a buffer between India and Persia. This allowed them to control the lucrative Silk trade between East and West.
Kidarites were a thorn in the side of both Sassanid Iran and Northern India’s Gupta Empire. They occupied large swathes of the territory of both empires.
A Sassanid-Hephthalite coalition eventually defeated the Kidarites. However, the Persians could not reclaim their lost lands, as the Hephthalites conquered them.


In the Sassanian succession wars, the Hephthalites played an important role. This came at a price. Persian kings paid regular tribute and sent their princesses to the Hephthalites for marriage.
Piroz, the Sassanian ruler was supported by the Hephthalites to succeed Yazdegerd II. But he had to give the Hephthalites a significant portion of Persian territory in the east.
He would later attack the Hephthalites in three wars, losing two and being captured on both occasions. But he was unlucky the third time, as he died in combat.
Piroz’s successor, Kavad, became a Hephthalite tributary, and the Hephthalites seal appeared on Sassanian coins.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Meanwhile, the Hephthalites declared a sub-king to rule over Northern and Central India. His name was Toramana.
Toramana and his son Mihirakula wreaked havoc throughout India, according to Buddhist accounts. They demolished many Buddhist monasteries, universities, and persecuted monks, finally putting an end to the declining Gupta Empire.
In a Gupta counter-offensive, the Indians drove Mihirakula back to the North-Western regions of India. Despite the losses, the Huns cemented their rule over Punjab, Kashmir, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh in India.


Coin of Toramana, Hepthalite ruler of India. Image Source and licensing: Wikimedia commons.


By 522 CE the Hephthalites had conquered most of Tarim Basin, including the kingdom of Khotan. Their erstwhile masters, the Rouran Khaganate, fled to seek refuge in the Hepthalite court.
For a brief period in the early 6th century CE, the Hephthalites forged the largest Empire in the world. They controlled the landmass from Mesopotamia and Syria through their Sassanian vassals in the West to the Tarim Basin in the East and up to Central India in the South.


Decline and Impact
Hepthalite swordsmen, Qizil Caves, Tarim Basin. Image source and license: Wikimedia commons



For more than a century, the Hephthalites reigned supreme in Central Asia. Being a decentralized empire, they faced constant revolts by their vassals, such as the Indians and Persians.
The expansion of the Göktürks, a new emerging force in Central Asia, presented the Persians with a golden opportunity to form an alliance and overthrow the Hephthalites. The Göktürks assimilated the Hepthalite realm into their empire.
In 570 CE, Hun rule in India also came to an end.


Despite the fact that the Hephthalites lost control they would play a role in South Asian politics.
Their descendants, the Turk Shahi dynasty of Afghanistan and the Gujjara Pratihara dynasty of North-Western India, were instrumental in halting Arab expansion into the Indian subcontinent.
Many scholars believe that these acts helped to preserve the Hindu faith in India in the long run.

他们的后裔,阿富汗的突厥沙希 (Turkshahi )王朝和西北印度的瞿折罗-波罗提诃罗(Gujjara Pratihara)王朝在阻止阿拉伯人向印度次大陆扩张方面发挥了重要作用。

The First Turkic (Göktürk) Khaganate ( 551 CE–682 CE)

#3 第一突厥(Göktürk) 汗国 (公元551年-公元682年)

The Seljuks and the Ottomans are the first names that come to mind when we think of Turkic empires. But long before their rise, the expansion of the Turks to the Middle East and Europe was possible because of the exploits of the Göktürks.
Göktürk means “heavenly Turks” or “blue Turks.” They established the First Turkic Khaganate, a vast empire extending from Mongolia in the east to the Black Sea in the west.
The Turks, like the Hephthalites, were the subjects of the Rouran Khaganate. They were blacksmiths and skilled metalworkers who provided arms and other ferrous and nonferrous metal products to the Rourans.

Göktürk 的意思是“ 天国的突厥人”或“ 蓝突厥”,他们建立了第一突厥汗国,这是一个东起蒙古,西至黑海的庞大帝国。

Bumin, the leader of the Göktürks, aided the Rourans in suppressing an internal uprising. He sought the hand of the Khagan’s (Emperor’s) daughter in marriage as a reward. The Rouran overlord laughed at the proposal, suggesting that blacksmith slaves were unworthy of a royal hand.
Enraged, Bumin gathered his troops and defeated the Rouran emperor in 552 CE, becoming the first Turkic Khagan.

突厥人的领袖阿史那土门 ( Bumin )协助柔然人镇压了一次内部起义,他求娶可汗 (皇帝) 之女为妻,以为奖励,柔然可汗对这个提议嗤之以鼻,嘲笑说做铁匠的奴隶不配娶王室之女。

The Turks are identified as Xiongnu descendants in Chinese sources such as the Chou-Shu. While this is possible, we should approach it with caution. Settled cultures took the liberty of using a common term to refer to all nomadic people. Scythians, for example, were the name given to any tribe that emerged on the Pontic Steppes by the Greeks. Any invader on the Persians’ northern borders was referred to as a Saka. Similarly, every Northern and Western “barbarian” tribe was referred to as Xiongnu by the Chinese.

在《周书》等中国资料中,突厥人被认定为匈奴后裔,虽然这是可能的,但我们应该谨慎看待,定居文明往往擅自用一个共同的名词来指代所有游牧民族。例如,希腊人把大草原上出现的任何部落都称呼为“斯基泰人”,凡是波斯人北部边境的入侵者,都被称为 "塞克人"(塞种),同样,每一个北方和西方的 "蛮族 "部落都被中国人称为匈奴。

Rise to Power
Gold mask belonging to a Turkic warrior, 5th-6th century CE, Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture Museum. Image source and licensing: Wikimedia commons.
Bumin died soon after establishing the Turkic Khaganate, and his son Muquan succeeded him. Muquan was in charge of the Turkic Khaganate’s eastern half, while Bumin’s brother Istami was in charge of its western expansion.
The Hephthalites, who were allies of the Rourans, were the first enemy the Göktürks faced. The Göktürks formed an alliance with the Persian emperor and defeated the Hephthalites. Later, the Göktürks would fight the Sassanid Persians in three wars, ultimately defeating them with the aid of Byzantine forces. The third Göktürk-Persian war affected Persia. Weakened from fighting with the Turks and Byzantines, the Persians would soon capitulate to the new rising power in the Middle East, the Rashidun Caliphate from Arabia.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

第三次突厥-波斯之战对波斯影响巨大,波斯由于与突厥和拜占庭的交战而变得虚弱,波斯人很快就屈服于中东崛起的新势力——来自阿拉伯的四大哈里发。( 四大哈里发指的是先知穆罕默德事业的四位继承人,又称“正统哈里发”)

The Eastern Turkic Khagante would clash with the Chinese. By bribing one Turkic chief against another, the Chinese were skilled at sowing seeds of discord. Emperor Taizong of the Tang dynasty of China eventually defeated the Eastern Turkic Khaganate.China soon made the Göktürk domain a vassal state. The Tang dynasty’s Emperor Taizong became the Khagan of the Göktürks, earning the title of Khan of Heaven. As a result, Taizong became the first Chinese monarch to have direct control over a Steppe nomadic domain.
The Tang Empire surpassed Alexander’s in size. However, since scholars associate the Tang dynasty with China’s golden age, I have left them off this list. Historians have given them due credit.


Legacy, decline, and impact
The Göktürks were the first nomadic people to use the term Turk as a political entity. They also invented the first Turkic scxt.
Bugut inscxtion, Mongolia written during the First Turkic Khaganate. Image Source and licensing: Wikimedia commons
Prior to Göktürks, we had to rely on Chinese, Roman, or Persian sources for the history of nomadic peoples such as the Xiongnu or the Hephthalites.
The Turks’ expansion laid the groundwork for several future Turkic empires that would govern Asian and European politics for a long time. The Uighurs, Seljuks, Ottomans, Ghaznavid, and Mameluke sultanates of Egypt and India were among them.The Steppe empires are often overlooked in history books, but they had a significant influence on human society. It’s impossible to imagine how humanity’s evolution would have unfolded without the Steppe people’s migrations.

“蓝突厥”( Göktürks)是第一个将突厥一词作为政治实体使用的游牧民族,他们还发明了第一种突厥文字。

在“蓝突厥”( Göktürks)之前,我们不得不依靠中国、罗马或波斯的史料来了解如匈奴人或白匈奴人等游牧民族的历史。