We all want 2021 to be an awesome year. And it can, through simple actions.


I love the topic of habits but let’s be honest, it gets overwhelming sometimes. There are articles telling us to change all of our life in a matter of seconds, as if it was no biggie. I’d love to meditate for 2 hours every day and read 2 books a week, but I’m sorry, I’ve only got 24 hours and other tasks to do.


That’s why I started implementing microscopic habits in the past few years. These never took much time away and don’t steal my energy as some other habits do. But above all, they’ve added to the quality of my life tremendously.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pick one. Pick 13. Or all 21 if you want. You don’t need to do all of them all the time. I often skip some of them when life gets in the way, but I come back as soon as I can. You can too.


1. Write three things you’re grateful for.

1. 写下三件你感激的事情

Hell, start with one if need be. The goal is to always be looking for the positive in each day. Yes, that’s also for when you had the worst day and want to punch the next person who even dares to look at you.


I started this habit 2 years ago and it’s probably the most consistent one I’ve done. It’s easy and helps refrx the bad days. When I struggle to find a positive aspect in the previous day, I usually say I’m grateful for being alive and with a future full of possibilities. Simple but does the trick in the long run.


2. Refuse once a week.

2. 每周拒绝一次

If you accept everything coming your way, you’ll never have time for yourself. Create it by refusing whatever you’re not excited about during the week. Start by refusing once and see how liberating it is. You can also set higher limits of time for others, so there’s always so leeway for yourself.


Someone wants to have a meeting you consider pointless? Say you’re busy. Three friends want your help? Tell one of them they might need to find someone else.


As a heads-up: if you currently accept everything, people will need some time to adapt to this change. But, with time, they will accept it.


3. Exercise for a minute when you wake up.

3. 醒来后锻炼一分钟

One single minute. Nothing more. Even in your busy life, you can find the time for that, right? I’m not asking for a full-fledged workout, just a few simple exercises. I usually go for 30 push-ups and a minimum of 30 seconds of planking.


Exercising first thing in the morning gets the blood flowing and gets you out of the morning fog you could be experiencing. If you prefer a full workout in the morning, go ahead with it. But even if you prefer the evening, 1 minute in the morning doesn’t hurt. It helps.


4. Invest in experiences.

4. 投资于体验

How often do you spend money on obxts? Compare that number to how often you invest in experiences. My guess is you invest more in obxts. And even if you spend the same amount on both, that’s still not the best. What we remember isn’t obxts. It’s experiences. At best, obxts help us remember some experiences.

你多久花钱买一次东西? 把这个数字与你投资于体验的频率做个比较,我猜你多半在物品上投资更多,即使你在两者上花的钱一样多,那也不算最好,我们记住的不是物品,而是它的体验,物品顶多能帮助我们记住一些体验。

In 2020, I often met friends outside for a walk or went on short trips with them We created memories. We bonded. In 2021, I plan on increasing that even more.


5. Organize your home.

5. 整理你的家

If you’ve never done it, try it. Whether you’ve got space or not, you can easily reorganize your home. In which way, you ask? Well, that’ll depend on what you do at home.

无论你是否有空间,你都可以轻松地重新整理你的家,你可能想问,用哪种方式最好 ?好吧,那要看你在家里做什么了。

For me, I have set different spaces for different tasks (reading, working, meditating, sleeping, gaming, and so on). When I play League of Legends, I transfer my computer to the dedicated spot for gaming.


6. Throw things away.

6. 扔东西
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you’ve never consciously made an effort to throw something you had kept “because it could be useful”, then try it today. It’s liberating. You might get a taste for it and keep doing it. Or you might want to throw 465 items as I did in November following the Min’s Game.

如果你从来没有有意识地扔掉一些 "因为它可能有用 "而保留下来的东西,那么今天就试试吧。这是一种解压方式,你可能会尝到甜头,然后继续做下去,或者你可能想扔掉465件物品,就像我在11月的Min’s游戏中所做的那样。

Either way, there’s a lot of rubbish you could throw away and that creates space. There’s also a lot of stuff you’re hanging onto even though it doesn’t deserve it. My 11-year collection of the monthly free magazine “KOREA” definitely didn’t have to stay. Neither did my broken nunchuck.


7. Manage your money.

7. 理财
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is not about investing — although that’s also a good habit. This is about knowing where your money is coming from and going to. Most parents have this somewhat figured out, but I’ve seen many other people completely ignore this.


It doesn’t take long. You can set a free app like Money Manager, enter what you have and then automize regular incomes and expenses. When that’s done, just enter in a few taps your other expenses and their categories. Soon enough, you’ll know where you spend your money. Simple and doesn’t take more than a few seconds!

不需要很长时间,你可以设置一个像 Money Manager 这样的免费应用程序,输入你所拥有的,然后自动化定期收入和支出。

8. Stand up every hour.

8. 每小时站立一次
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That’s, without fault, the hardest one of all for me. It’s simple and I know it’s good for the body, yet I can’t seem to remember. Notifications don’t work and even if I remember to stand up while writing, I don’t want to break my flow. I used to do it often while working in Japan as I went out once an hour for a cigarette.


On paper, this is among the “easier” tiny habits to set. Yet, this one’s so hard to remember because we haven’t done it most of our lives. We’ve stayed sitting for hours on end for hundreds of thousands of hours. Change that.


9. Follow this simple proverb.

9. 遵循这个简单的谚语

I live my life by “Quand on a pas de tête, on a des jambes.” This means “When we have no head, we have legs.” It might seem weird but I use it as a way to accept whatever happens. Most often, this is about forgetting something and having to go back home to pick it up.Don’t get angry when you can’t find your keys or forget to buy your wine at the supermarket. Remind yourself you’ve got to have legs and do what needs to be done. Accept that what’s done is done. All you can do is go forward.

“ 脑瓜不好用,腿脚要勤快”(法国谚语),这可能听起来很奇怪,但我用它作为一种方式来接受任何事情的发生,大多数情况下,这指的是忘记了什么东西,不得不回家去拿这样的事情,当你找不到钥匙或忘记在超市买酒时,不要生气,提醒自己,你有腿,做该做的事,接受木已成舟的事实,你能做的就是勇往直前。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

10. Ask open-ended questions.

10. 问一些开放式的问题

Apart from a few topics (and especially language learning!), I’m not a great talker. I’ve gotten better with a simple trick. I ask open-ended questions as often as possible. I become a child asking “Why, Where, When, Who, What, Which”, and all other sorts of such questions.

除了某一些话题 ( 特别是语言学习 ! ),我不是个健谈的人,但现在我用了一个简单的技巧让自己变得更好,我尽可能经常问开放式的问题,我变成了一个问“为什么,在哪里,什么时候,谁,什么,哪一个”的好奇宝宝。

Sometimes the situation doesn’t fit for this, but most often it does. Ask open questions whenever you can and you’ll be seen as a better interlocutor. Why? Because you help keep the conversation going and people love talking about themselves.


11. Turn off notifications.

11. 关掉提醒通知

Start for an hour a day. If you can last longer, do it. This isn’t as hard as you think it is. The only reason you’re not doing it is that “being reachable” has become a habit. That’s one you need to change.

你没有做的唯一原因是 "触手可及 "已经成为一种习惯,这是你需要改变的。

It takes about 25 minutes to regain your focus, even if you only look at a notification for a second. Erase those for an hour and you’ll be able to accomplish a lot more. I’ve gotten addicted to it so my notifications are off two-thirds of my days now.


12. Prepare your clothes.

12. 准备好你的衣服

Simple but efficient. Why would you waste some of your precious mental energy in the morning when you could use whatever’s left the previous night? It doesn’t create havoc in your daily life, yet helps you save your energy for what matters. Awesome, right?


13. Watch the news less.

13. 少看新闻

Chances are you’ve already started doing it in 2020 to avoid the mess this year was. If not, start today. No matter how curious you are, you don’t need to watch the news 3 times a day, let alone 10. If you can, only watch or read the news once, around midday. You probably don’t need more.


I’ve reduced my news-intake to once every two days and this works great. I’m always on track with what happens in the world and never overwhelmed. I even have more time for myself.


14. Drink more water.

14. 多喝水

Another simple tiny habit. It’s great for your health and you can get it pretty much anywhere. Now I wonder, why aren’t you already drinking more water? Come on, stop reading for a second and do it.
Bonus for smokers: try drinking water every time you want a cigarette. I’ve found most times I craved a cigarette was only because I was thirsty.


15. Discover one new thing a month.

15. 每月发现一件新事物
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My favorite of them all. Drop all expectations and just discover something new each month. I learned Origami in November, Python basics in December, and will learn to paint aquarelle in January. But it could also be diving into a topic you’ve been curious about. You could read about the battle of Marignano or look into the culture of “Purikura”.

这是我最喜欢的的一条,放下所有的期望,每个月发现一些新的东西。我在11月学会了 Origami,在12月学会了 Python 基础,在1月学会了水彩画,当然,也可以是你一直感兴趣的东西,你可以阅读关于马里尼亚诺战役的文章,也可以去了解一下“大头贴”文化。

Either way, discovering something new is exciting. It’s also useful because it keeps us curious and slowly expands our skills or knowledge over time. Do it the way you want. Spend 10 hours on it one Saturday or a few minutes a day for a month. What matters is for you to discover something new.


16. Make your bed.

16. 整理床铺

Start with a win by making your bed, as said Admiral William McRaven in a speech. Another simple habit to add. It doesn’t “change your life right away” but, again, that’s not the goal. All we want here is to slightly improve it without messing with our general flow.

正如海军上将威廉 · 麦克雷文在一次演讲中所说的那样,要打胜仗,从整理床铺开始,这又是一个简单的习惯,它不会“立刻改变你的生活”,但是,再次强调,这不是目标,我们所要做的就是在不影响总体流程的情况下稍微改进它。

Get up, make your bed, and then follow with loads of other wins for the rest of the day.


17. Spend a minute a day with yourself.

17. 每天花一分钟独处

Just one, come on. I know you can do it. No phone. No computer. No tablet, nor friends or pets around. Just you and your thoughts. Do this while on the toilet if need be. Doing this a minute won’t change your life either but it’ll help you start being aware of what you think, instead of being on autopilot.


Start with a minute and increase this as you go. Think about what you think. Talk to yourself. Just accept whatever your thoughts are and move on. Self-awareness is way underrated in our world.


18. Ask yourself whether what you’re doing is worth it.

18. 问问自己你所做的是否值得

There’s a lot of actions we do that don’t matter. To be more precise, many aren’t worth our time. We finish them and move on until we think back a week later thinking about how much time we wasted on it.


If you had two months left to live, would you be laying on the couch binge-watching the Queen’s Gambit? Or would you be writing that masterpiece you’ve always wanted?


19. If a task takes 2 minutes, do it right away.

19. 如果一件事只需要2分钟,马上去做

There’s a lot of advice about doing whatever takes less than 5 minutes right away. I disagree. 5 minutes is still quite some time and can mess the rest of my schedule. Instead, I’ve set 2 minutes as the higher limit to do right away.


If it takes 5 minutes, write it on a paper you hang in front of you. Then do it within the next hour and a half. It gives you some leeway yet prevents you from procrastinating for days.


20. Take care of your posture.

20. 注意你的姿势

A bad posture has a lot of repercussions in the long run. I’ve had a hunched back for so long I struggle to keep it straight now. I forget it all the time but whenever it comes to mind, I sit straight again (like I just did when I started writing this part).

从长远来看,错误的姿态会产生很多影响,我驼背很久了,现在我努力挺直背,我总是忘记,但每当我想起,我又坐直了(就像我刚开始写这部分时那样 )。

A bit of effort goes a long way. If you still have a good posture, treasure it and notice when it’s not the case. If you have a bad posture, hang reminders around. For a while, my phone’s background picture was a simple sentence: “Stand straight!”

一点点的努力会有很大的帮助,如果你有一个良好的姿势,珍惜它,并注意例外的情况,如果你的姿势不好,在周围挂上提醒物,有一阵子,我手机的背景图片只有简单一句话: “ 站直了! ”
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

21. Read for 15 minutes a day.

21. 每天阅读15分钟
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I know this one takes a bit longer but it’s worth it. As Jim Kwik says all the time, “Leaders are readers.” It’s not just leaders, it’s everybody who wants to live a better life. Whether you read fiction or non-fiction doesn’t matter. Both have their advantages. What matters is that you read.


And if you can’t find 15 minutes each, then go for 1h45 a week. It’s only a start, but it’s more than most people. After all, a survey in 2019 said that 70% of US adults had not been in a bookstore in the last five years.


There are big, hard-to-implement, habits. And then there are small, easy-to-implement, habits. I love both but it’s clear the latter ones are easier to add to our already (seemingly) busy life.

有一些大的、难以养成的习惯,还有一些小的,易于养成的习惯,我两者都喜欢,但很明显,后者更容易让我们已经 (看似) 忙碌的生活增色不少。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

All things considered, they are also life-changing in the very long run. The only difficulty with those is how hidden their impact is. It’s easy to drop them because you don’t see how useful they are. Keep at them for long enough and your life will improve.


2021 can be that year. You can start changing your life. You can be happier with tiny changes. Hey, you can even start today.


Go ahead. Stand up and go throw something away to start you off. It’s only the beginning.
