“The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.” — Einstein
Genius See, Genius Do
A few years back while thumbing thru Descartes’ Meditations, the following passage leaped from the page and snagged my attention:“The reading of all good books is like conversing with the finest men of past centuries.”
Indeed, so far as writing is nothing but thinking on paper and talking is but a case of thinking out loud, it’s apparent, then, to read the thoughts of another is to essentially chat with them. And so, quite naturally, I wondered: Who were Einstein’s favorite authors to chat with?

几年前,在翻阅笛卡尔的《沉思录》时,下面这段话从书页上跳了出来,吸引了我的注意力 :
“ 读好书就像与过去几个世纪最优秀的人交谈。”

As for why wanting to know about Einstein’s favorite books should be of concern, ahem, take one glance at the word “genius” in the dictionary.
Doesn’t seeing an actual person’s last name — Einstein — listed along with abstract nouns stand out like seeing Shaquille O’Neal in a room filled with gymnasts?
And so, since science says we’re “98.8 percent” chimp and all, not to mention “monkey see, monkey do,” well, I figured — genius see, genius do!
In others,
Read what Einstein reads = think how Einstein thinks


科学说我们是 "98.8%"同于黑猩猩,所以我们一般" 看猴子,做猴子 "( 注: 谚语,意即有样学样),而我也想阅天才所阅,习天才之所为 !
读爱因斯坦之所读 = 想爱因斯坦之所想

Recently I came across a wonderful article on BigThink. “Here are 5 of His [Einstein] Favorite Books,” reads the headline. Ahem, if by chance you’re familiar with my past work, I take it you’re aware of the Law of Three. For this reason, two of the noted five books didn’t make the cut.
The first of the honorable “cuts” was Ernst Mach’s Analysis of Sensations.
Sure, Einstein loved the book — in particular Mach’s principle — but unlike the other books on the list, this one hasn’t aged well. Besides, due to the vagueness of Mach’s principle, a handful of the statements have long since been falsified.

近日,我在 BigThink 上看到一篇很精彩的文章,标题是这样写的:《 这是五本他(爱因斯坦)最喜欢的书》
第一本光荣被砍的是恩斯特 · 马赫 [ 奥地利物理学家、哲学家 ] 的《感觉的分析》

The second of the honorable “cuts” was Cervantes’ Don Quixote.
Leopold Infeld, who worked with Einstein, recalled how “Einstein lay in bed without shirt or pajamas, with Don Quixote on his night table.” Fun fact, eh! But remember, back in Einstein’s day, there was no such thing as a TV or a YouTube.
Ahem, I take it, Einstein read Quixote after a long day’s work for the same reason I occasionally succumb to indulging the clickbait about your favorite celeb — for amusement’s sake.

据曾与爱因斯坦共事的利奥波德 · 英费尔德利回忆说,“爱因斯坦躺在床上,没穿衬衫或睡衣,而《唐吉诃德》则躺在床头柜上。”有趣的事实,嗯 !但是请注意,在爱因斯坦的时代,没有电视或者 YouTube 这样的东西。

Given our stated aim, clearly we’re not interested in what Einstein found amusing. After all, whereas we can grow smarter from reading what a smart person reads, we can’t become famous from reading about what a famous person does. For this reason, Quixote and his famous adventures didn’t make the list.


In short, seeing that today marks Einstein’s birthday, along with a handful of other greats, such as Simone Biles, Steph Curry and Quintin Primo, on this glorious Pi Day of 3.14 — it’s only right the following three books be presented to every one for the sake of higher learning.

另外,今天是爱因斯坦的生日,也是西蒙 · 拜尔斯、斯蒂芬 · 库里和昆丁· 普里莫等其他伟人的生日,在圆周率3.14这个光荣的日子里,只有把以下三本书送给每个人,才能给他们带来更高的学习价值。

Einstein’s Favorite Book #1: “Ethics” by Baruch Spinoza
One morning while at his Berlin home, Einstein received an urgent telegram. It was from Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein of New York: “Do you believe in God? Stop. Answer paid 50 words.”
Apparently Rabbi Goldstein expressed concern that Einstein — the most famous scientist in the world — had been somewhat undermining religion. And so, though the rabbi expected an answer long and sour, Einstein kept it short and sweet:
“I believe in Spinoza’s God . . .” Einstein wired back.
For those initiated into the mysteries, “Spinoza’s God” is merely a code-word for a mathematical theology. Perhaps the mathematical physicist Lord Kelvin best summed up Einstein’s above view when noting that “mathematics is the only true metaphysics.”

爱因斯坦最喜欢的书 # 1: 巴鲁克 · 斯宾诺莎的《伦理学》

一天早上,爱因斯坦在他柏林的家中收到一封紧急电报,电报是纽约的赫伯特 · 戈尔茨坦发来的 :
“ 你相信上帝吗?回电已付,答案限50字。”

Perhaps there’s only one truth, though countless versions of it exist. What Einstein loved most about Spinoza was this: of all the philosophers, Spinoza was the first to take Galileo’s grand insight seriously:
To understand the Universe, you must understand the language in which it’s written — the language of Mathematics.
Because this is a uni-, not multiverse, and the prefix uni- simply means oneness, what Spinoza essentially proved in the Ethics was this: it’s inconceivable for there to exist anything aside from the “One.”
Let the theologian declare with a grand solemnity that “God cannot be created or destroyed.” Excellent!
Let the physicist try a hand at one-upmanship and declare, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed.” Wonderful!
Let the mathematician supply the basis for number theory, and in the process note the number one is “neither prime nor composite,” which is to say, in the world of natural numbers — that which is one “cannot be created or destroyed.” Dazzling!

也许真理只有一个 ——尽管它存在着无数个版本。
因为这个是一个Uni-verse(单一宇宙),而不是Multi-verse(多元宇宙),前缀 Uni- 意味着同一,斯宾诺莎在《伦理学》中基本上证明了这一点:除了“一”之外,任何事物的存在都是不可思议的。
让物理学家尝试用高人一等的方法宣布, "能量不能被创造或毁灭", 好极了!

In every such case, it becomes apparent why Bertrand Russell defined mathematics as “the art of saying the same thing in different words.”
Or as Tesla put it:
“What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics.” — Nikola Tesla
In short, in Einstein’s view: the proper nouns “God” and “Universe” amount to cases of saying hello and hola. After all, so far as both are defined as one, universal and omnipotent — it is all the same!

在每一个这样的例子中,我们最终都会明白了为何伯特兰 · 罗素将数学定义为“用不同的语言表达同一件事的艺术”。
"一个人称之为上帝的东西,另一个人称之为物理定律。"—— 尼古拉 · 特斯拉
简而言之,在爱因斯坦看来:“上帝”和“宇宙”这两个专有名词就相当于“hello”和“hola”,毕竟,就被定义为一体、普遍和全能而言,两者并无二致 !

Sectional Takeaway Insight
Spinoza’s Ethics is entitled to Omar’s fanatical compliment paid to the Quran, when he declared: “Burn the libraries; for their value is in this book.”
Within these sublime pages, if properly understood, the reader will have insight into what compelled Einstein to become a pacifist that detested war or conflict of any sort.
Within these sublime pages, if properly understood, the reader will have insight into what compelled Einstein to conclude that “nothing will benefit health or increase chances of survival on earth as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”
In short, within these sublime pages, if properly understood, the reader will have insight into why Einstein’s core belief boiled down to the following:
The goal of true enlightenment isn’t to realize your unity with everything, but to realize the fact you are everything.

如果能被正确理解,读者就能洞悉是什么驱使爱因斯坦成为一个厌恶战争或任何形式冲突的和平主义者,是什么迫使爱因斯坦得出这样的结论:“ 没有什么比进化成素食者更有益于健康或增加在地球上生存的机会了。”

In Einstein’s day, Sir Isaac Newton bordered on being a god!

图: 在爱因斯坦的时代,艾萨克·牛顿爵士几乎是上帝 !

Einstein’s Favorite Book #2: “A Treatise of Human Nature” by David Hume
Newton essentially founded modern science. In the famed Principia Mathematica, he laid the foundation for the law of gravity. No wonder Newton was Einstein’s hero. But as Aristotle once remarked about his beloved teacher, “Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is truth.”
Einstein would have to repeat history.
In Newton’s picture of the world, space and time were absolutes — wholly independent of our input. Einstein, well-versed in Hume’s philosophy, suspected his hero in this instance — may have been on the right track but aboard the wrong train . . . of thought.

爱因斯坦最喜欢的书 # 2 : 大卫休谟《 人性论 》
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


Perhaps what Einstein loved most about this book is best captured in the famed proverb:
Doubt is the beginning, not the end, of wisdom.
History’s greatest skeptic, or doubter, is none other than David Hume!
So downright skeptical was Hume of everything that, one could argue: even if Hume had smelled smoke coming from another room, he still wouldn’t have believed there was fire. After all, Hume would’ve demanded to see the flames, first, because he wouldn’t have quite trusted his own nose. Or any of his five senses for that matter.
Hume, you see, agreed with other empiricists so far as experience serves as the basis of knowledge goes. But here’s where the skeptic kicked in.
Because the DNA of science is the law of causality, apart from which there could be no scientific method, Hume realized the law itself was nowhere to be found in actual experience.

历史上最伟大的怀疑论者,或者说质疑者,不是别人,正是大卫 · 休谟 !
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In Hume’s famed thought experiment, a method which Einstein borrowed and mastered (Gedanken experiment), he imagined a game of pool, or “billiards” as he called.
According to the law of causality, each time the cue stick strikes billiard ball A, it will necessarily roll until striking billiard ball B. Excellent! “Like causes produce like effects” is simple enough. But here’s where Hume’s genius shined brightest:
No matter how many times he observed billiard ball A strike ball B, never once did he observe that essential cause-effect lix.
In other words, what Hume recognized is there’s no cause and effect out there in the world per se, but rather we — thru our own minds — impose such structures on reality.

通过休谟著名的思想实验(Gedanken experiment),爱因斯坦借鉴并掌握了这一方法(理想实验,思维实验),他想象了一场台球比赛,也就是他所说的 "撞球"。

Falling dominoes are a classic example of causality (cause-effect). Yet, as Hume noted, nothing outside of our own perceptions ensures when the first domino is struck, the others will fall, too. (Pic: pixabay.com)
“That the sun will not rise tomorrow is no less intelligible a proposition, and implies no more contradiction, than the affirmation, that it will rise.” — David Hume
Hume’s famous insight essentially says just because the sun rose on all the other preceding billions upon billions of days, by no means does that entail science has the right to declare the sun must necessarily rise tomorrow, too.
Hume’s issue with “necessary connection” forms the basis of the biggest riddle presently confronting science: the problem of induction.

”“太阳明天不会升起”这句话和“太阳会升起”这句话一样,同样都是一个可理解的命题,也并不意味着更多的矛盾。”——大卫 · 休谟
休谟关于“必然联系”的问题构成了当前科学所面临的最大谜题的基础: 归纳法问题。

Sectional Takeaway Insight
Due in large part to reading Hume, Einstein revolutionized physics by noting the following: given that spacetime dictates how matter moves about, time itself must be relative to each person’s frx of reference.
The relativity model suggests the knower, then, which never departs from subjectivity, somewhat imposes that invisible stoplight called “time” on what otherwise would’ve forever remained the eternal present.
“The only reason for time,” concluded Einstein, “is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”
Because Einstein lixed time with space, or spacetime, what holds for time must also apply to space. This explains why he described “time and space [as] modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live.”
In short, armed with the above insight, it becomes apparent what Einstein meant by the following cryptic conclusion:
“The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

" 时间存在的唯一理由," 爱因斯坦总结道," 就是为了让一切不会同时发生"。
这就解释了为什么他把 "时间和空间 [作为] 我们思考的模式,而不是我们生存的条件"。
" 过去、现在和未来之间的区别,只是一种顽固而持久的幻觉。"

Einstein’s Favorite Book #3: Johann von Goethe’s Oeuvre
Each generation has its “geniuses.” After all, genius merely results from a single-minded devotion to achieving one goal. And because everyone is good at at least one thing, clearly for anyone armed with the “fire and desire” to make the most of a natural gift — he or she will undoubtedly taste genius, eventually.
“Polymathy,” however, is another story.
In all of history, there’s only been a handful of true polymaths. Whereas the genius is the one-trick pony, the polymath is that rare breed of a “jack of all trades, master of many.” Names such as Da Vinci and Franklin top this storied list. Another name is Johann von。 Goethe.

爱因斯坦最喜欢的书 # 3 : 约翰 · 冯 · 歌德的全部著作
每一代人都有自己的 "天才",毕竟,天才不过是一心一意地为实现一个目标而努力的结果。
历史上,真正的博学者屈指可数,天才是只会一招的小马驹,而博学者则是“万事皆通,万物皆通”的稀有宝驹,像达芬奇和富兰克林这样的人在这个传奇的名单上名列前茅,另一个便是约翰 · 冯 · 歌德。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“The beginning of wisdom,” said Socrates, “is the definition of terms.”
The instant the Socratic method uproots the word university, it becomes apparent the true meaning of a universal education along with achieving some measure of “polymathy” was the original aim of the universitas (‘the whole’).

当苏格拉底式的教学方法把“ university”这个词连根拔起的瞬间,人们明白了“universal education”(通识教育)的真正含义,同时达到某种程度的“博学多识”是大学( university)的最初目标 (“整体”)。
这段会很拗口,这涉及到中西方一个很大的认知不同,universe在英语中为“宇宙;世界;领域”,universal为“普遍的;通用的;宇宙的;全世界的”,中文里面将“ university”一词翻译为“大学”,这个词取自儒家传统经典,如出自《礼记》的《大学》,论述儒家修身齐家治国平天下思想(“八条目”:格物、致知、诚意、正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下),南宋朱熹又作《大学章句》,最终和《中庸》《论语》《孟子》并称“四书”,而西方的“universe”源自拉丁语 universum,即所有,全人类,全世界,转为一体,引申词义为“宇宙”,大学“ university”一词所代表的现代大学源自欧洲的中世纪大学,教师和学生自发组成社团,明确双方的权利义务,和其他行业协会类似,这种社团在拉丁文中被称为“universitas magistrorum et scholarium”,意思是“community of masters and scholars”(专家学者社团),简称universitas,意思是“团体、集合体”,尽管具体的历史溯源可以纠清其涵义的来龙去脉,但词根上,或者说一般阅读者的首要印象,“大学”这个词和“宇宙”、“世界”、“通用”是直接相关的,而在中文里面,这层理解或者隐藏涵义完全被剔除了,这就造成中西两方在看到这个词时,会有完全不同的潜意识认知——尽管大家都知道这个词代表的就是现代的“综合性学习机构(大学)”。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Perhaps the above explains why Gleick argued that “it is not the amount of knowledge that makes a brain. It is not even the distribution of knowledge. It is the interconnectedness.”
“Poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, critic, and amateur artist” were among Goethe’s interconnectedness. And so, because it takes one to know one: Einstein glimpsed in Goethe that rare gift known as “interdisciplinary genius.”
From Goethe’s famed theory of colors to that of allowing his heart to overflow and then leak, from pen to pages of Faust, no wonder Einstein wrote in a 1932 letter to Leopold Casper — Goethe is “a poet without peer, and is one of the smartest and wisest men of all time.”
Shakespeare’s poetic wit exceeded Goethe’s, but not even The Bard could match the subtlety and depth of Goethe’s genius.“If I love you, what business is it of yours?” Goethe asked.

也许上述可以解释为什么格利克认为 " 不是知识的数量,甚至不是知识的传播,造就了人的头脑,而是知识的相互联系"。
"诗人、剧作家、小说家、科学家、政治家、戏剧导演、评论家和业余艺术家 ",这些都是歌德的“相互联系”。
天才相惜相知,天才最了解天才,正因为如此,爱因斯坦在歌德身上看到了罕见的天赋,并称之为 "跨学科天才"。
从歌德著名的色彩理论到伟大的诗剧《浮士德》,无不令爱因斯坦心生感佩,难怪爱因斯坦在1932年给利奥波德 · 卡斯珀的信中写道: 歌德是“一个无与伦比的诗人,是有史以来最智慧、最聪明的人之一。”
歌德的诗歌智慧或许不如莎士比亚,但即使是《 游吟诗人 ( The Bard )》这样的诗作也无法与歌德天才的精妙和深邃媲美。

Pause, if you will, and truly absorb Goethe’s single note . . . as it hangs there unwavering — filled with such longing. Oh, such unfulfillable longing!
To the man secretly in love with the woman, his coworker, whom he smiles at each morning while innocently offering to grab her a latte from Starbucks, too . . . while offering his “extra” Phantom of the Opera tickets on Broadway, upon hearing news of her mother’s planned first visit to the Big Apple, ahem, Goethe whispers from the pages: If he loves her, what business is it of hers?
Here lies the magic of reading Goethe!
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it,” Goethe advises. “Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” Indeed, Einstein — powered by such suggestions — boldly revolutionized the physics of his day.

“我爱你,与你何干? ”—— 歌德
(“ If I love you, what business is it of yours?”又译“我爱你,与你无关”)
它挂在那里毫不动摇,又充满了如此的渴望,这是怎样一种无法满足的渴望啊 !
这个男人暗恋着同事的那个女人,他每天早上都对她微笑,天真地帮她从星巴克拿带回拿铁..... 一听到她母亲计划好到纽约游玩的消息,歌德便拿出“多余”的百老汇歌剧《魅影》的门票...... 歌德在诗语中低声诉说:如果他爱她,那与她有什么关系 ?

In short, because an “oeuvre” is merely a collection of an author’s work, perhaps Einstein was of the view: who better to chat with over the course of his life’s work than a real-life polymath?
Sectional Takeaway Insight
Hearing Einstein call someone else smart is like hearing Chappelle call another comedian funny. And so, if nothing else — read Goethe if you care to chat with “one of the smartest and wisest men of all time.”
The Takeaway
As part of the initiation into the mysteries, the wise men of old use to teach the true geniuses of the world carry on silent conversations between the ears and pages alike. Hence it has long been said two persons can’t possibly read the same book.

听到爱因斯坦说别人聪明,就像听到卓别林说另一个喜剧演员有趣,所以,如果没有别的事,如果你想和 "有史以来最聪明、最智慧的人之一 "聊天,就读读歌德吧。

Perhaps Emerson put it best:
We are always reasoning from the seen to the unseen. Hence the perfect intelligence that exists between wise men of remote ages. A man cannot bury his meanings so deep in his book but time and like-minded men will find them.
Plato had a secret doctrine, had he? What secret can he conceal from the eyes of Bacon? of Montaigne? of Kant? Therefore Aristotle said of his works, “They are published and not published.”
Einstein had a secret doctrine to unlock his genius, had he?
Well, because the philosophers of the world have already said everything important that needs to be said . . . the genius simply removes the letter ‘K’ from what people Knew yesterday and repackages it as new today.
In short, I can’t help but conclude:
Read what Einstein reads = Think how Einstein thinks

好吧,世界上的哲学家已经把所有重要的,需要说的东西都说完了...... 天才只是把昨天人们所知道的东西去掉了“知识”(Knew )一词前面的字母 "K",让它今天以“新”(new)的面貌出现在我们的面前。
读爱因斯坦之所读 = 想爱因斯坦之所想