So you are someone who takes defence policy seriously. every so often you are outraged at the waste of scarce funding on acquisitions that do little for national security but, rather, lavishly feed some political constituency, an industry or the egos of military officers.


Just be thankful you’re not South Korean.
For there is a country that daily faces a risk of cataclysmic war: invasion by an army of more than 1 million, mass artillery bombardment of its capital and even nuclear attack. And its latest proposed acquisition? An aircraft carrier—a meaningless hole in the water into which the Republic of Korea Navy hopes the country will pour about US$5 billion.


the US , paying several billions of dollars a year to protect South Korea from North Korea while officials and industrialists in Seoul divert domestic funds to national vanity projects.


The navy’s main justification for building an aircraft carrier is to make naval operations independent of air support from the land when fighting unnamed current and future threats. The defence ministry is calling the ship ‘CVX’ (previously, ‘LPX-II’). It would be equipped with Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightnings, capable of short take-off and vertical landing.


For war with North Korea, the justification is nonsense, because the Korean peninsula is so small that land-based fighters can indeed cover the navy’s ships, especially with tanker support. Also, all North Korean targets are in fighter strike range of South Korean air bases, so a costly mobile base at sea is unnecessary.


If the unnamed future threat is China or Japan, then building CVX makes even less sense, because it would be so vulnerable to attack by land-based missiles, aircraft and submarines.


The real, childish reasons for South Korea buying an aircraft carrier are all too plain. One is that naval officers love big ships and are especially proud of aircraft carriers. The other is a persistent factor familiar to every observer of South Korean technology and defence programs: a desire to match or outdo Japan.


The push to build this ship strengthened immediately after 2017 news reports, since confirmed, that Japan would adapt two helicopter carriers to operate F-35Bs. (Japan also has plenty of costly and doubtfully justifiable indigenous programs, but the inexpensive adaptation of the helicopter carriers is not one of them. And Japan has a reason for taking F-35Bs to sea: air defence over the Pacific.)


Acquisition would cost about 2.03 trillion won (A$2.3 billion), the ministry says. The figure doesn’t include paying for the required 20 F-35Bs, which the air force would reportedly operate at sea. The ship would need helicopters, too, so the total cost would be close to A$6.5 billion.


To help sell CVX to parliament, the navy describes it as a light aircraft carrier, even though it would not be at all light. At a 4 February seminar, the navy said its unladen displacement would be in the 30,000-tonne class, which can be interpreted as anything up to 39,999 tonnes. Since the length would be 265 metres and the width (apparently not beam) would be 43 metres, a full-load displacement of 50,000 tonnes looks plausible.


Nationalism helps drive South Korean technology programs. But, so far, the carrier proposal is pushing the limits of what techno-nationalism will support. Opposition to the proposal has appeared not just in parliament—where, for example, two politicians, retired generals of the army, said the money should instead be spent on F-35As or Aegis air-defence destroyers. Doubts were also expressed when the navy posted a video of its February seminar on YouTube. Within three hours, an avalanche of criticism had appeared in the comment section. The navy promptly dexed the video—but it’s back up now, with the comment function disabled.
