What was the most perfect royal palace of all time?


Through the years I have visited a large variety of representative residences built for monarchs and rulers across many different cultures and time periods. These estates were usually built, not only to offer the royal family a life of comfort and luxury, but would usually serve a whole host of functions, including physical security, mental relief from the strains of ruling, acting as a symbol of central power to both impress and scare subjects, acting as a strategic base camp for controlling an area or group, and to serve as HQ for a governing or in times of war. So, in my opinion a good palace would need a highly strategic and impressive location as well as a symbolic yet functional architecture. Taking these various things in to account, what was in your opinion the most perfect royal palace of all time?


If I think about the most famous ones I'd argue that there are always some weaknesses to be found. The Versailles for instance was very impressive and had a clear function of weakening the nobility of France. But in terms of comfort the palace was perhaps too large. It was in a rather unimpressive site (no rivers, lakes, mountains or seas) and its long distance from Paris arguably made the monarch quite invisible to the people and also left the ruler a bit ignorent about the state of the realm. And even though the Sun King considered himself too powerful to bother with walls, the palace turned out the be quite difficult to defend.
Or take the Topkapi palace in Istanbul: conveniently located downtown, within the city walls. Filled with nice gardens and terraces which also gave the monarch a pleasant and strategic view towards the Bosporus. But the palace arguably lacks an iconic presence and architecture to convey the supreme power of the sultan. The Topkapi doesn't really conjure up an image in anyone's heads.
So, did any palace ever achieve it all?
