每日新素材,等你来认领! https://www.ltaaa.cn/translation

每日新素材,等你来认领! http://www.ltaaa.com/translation

-------------译者:proudcolonel--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Germany needs immigrants, otherwise its economic growth will slow down considerably. Experts estimate that in about ten years there will be a shortage of around three million trained skilled workers. The new immigration law is designed to address this problem. German chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet is due to approve legislation that should help skilled workers from outside the European unx find jobs in Germany. The proposed law would simplify the process for recognizing professional or vocational training degrees that have been earned abroad. It would eliminate the requirement that employers check whether German nationals are also available to fill the vacancy. And it would allow qualified non-EU nationals who speak German to live in the country while they look for work.

德国需要移民,否则经济增长会大幅放缓。 专家估计约10年后德国受过训练的熟练劳动力缺口将达300万之多。新的移民法就是为解决这个问题而设计的。总理默克尔的内阁计划通过一项立法以帮助来自欧盟以外的技工在德国找工作。此项法案将简化对国外颁发的职业技能文凭的认证手续,去除雇佣方需确认是否还有德国人能填补空缺岗位的要求, 并且允许合格的,会讲德语的非欧盟公民在求职期间居住在德国。