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Thank you for watching my video about my first impressions of China. I have visited China many times and I thought it would be great to share with you guys some of the things I have noticed from every trip I have made to China. China is one of my favorite countries to travel in and it is full of surprises! There are many things I love about China and there are some things I don''''t care for as well. Find out what I really think about China ^^


Welcome to my channel! I''''m Patrick and this is Patmax Adventures! I''''m originally from California and have been living abroad for the past four years. I decided to start this channel to share my experiences and passion for travel with others. My goal with this channel is to share and show as much as I can of the World. My focus will always be on the culture, food and of course the local people of everywhere I travel to! I''''m an optimist and always try to highlight the positives of a place rather than just the negatives.Though I will also be bluntly honest at times too! If you love travel and exploring far away places, then you found the right place!

欢迎来到我的频道!我是Patrick,这是Patmax Adventures频道!我来自加利福尼亚,过去四年一直住在国外。我决定开设这个频道,与他人分享我的旅行经历和对旅行的热情。我开设这个频道的目的是尽可能多地分享和展示这个世界。我的重点永远是文化、食物,当然还有我所到之处的当地人!我是个乐观主义者,总是努力突出一个地方的优点,而不仅仅是缺点。虽然我有时也会直言不讳!如果你喜欢旅行和探索遥远的地方,那么你找到了适合的频道!